Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi has long claimed to be a “devout Catholic.” But that lie just went up in flames.
Because Nancy Pelosi just spit on the grave of Pope Benedict with this utterly shocking remark.
Many devout Catholics all around the world are gravely concerned that the Church has embraced leftwing ideology too much in the name of “peace” and “diversity.”
Some say that Pope Francis is largely to blame for that shift over the past decade or so, while others say it’s influences from European churches that are responsible.
One major problem has been the way Leftist politicians in both America and throughout Europe are trying to co-opt the Catholic religion to peddle their radical agendas with Catholic voters and constituents.
The sad truth is that they’ve succeeded in doing just that over the years. Statistics show that a shocking 30% or so Catholics who attend Mass everyday believe that abortion should be legal in at least some cases.
This is obviously a direct contradiction of the teachings from the Vatican, of course.
Even Pope Francis, one of the more liberal Popes in modern times, has said unashamedly that “abortion is murder” and that “the Church cannot change its position.”
One of the worst offenders in trying to co-opt the Catholic, Christian religion has to be none other than Democrat Rep. from California, Nancy Pelosi.
Nancy Pelosi has been denied communion in San Francisco due to the policies on abortion that she peddles directly in Congress as a Democrat.
JUST IN: The San Francisco archbishop issued a notice Friday that he would no longer allow House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to receive Communion, an escalation of his feud with the Catholic Democrat over abortion politics. https://t.co/IkLzJHbUVx
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) May 20, 2022
But that won’t stop her from trying to continue to make headway with young self-proclaimed Catholics who are vulnerable to giving in to the Democrats’ facade.
In fact, she’s doubling down. In her latest statements in the wake of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, Pelosi said she is particularly fond of Benedict’s letter “God is Love.”
It should be noted that Benedict is revered as one of the most important conservative voices within the Catholic church in the modern age, and he most certainly took issue with Pelosi’s positions on abortion.
“Paul and I join our fellow Catholics in mourning the passing of Pope Benedict XVI: a global leader whose devotion, scholarship and hopeful message stirred the hearts of people of all faiths,” Pelosi began in an official statement for press release.
“Spiritually, I am always moved by Pope Benedict’s powerful encyclical, ‘God is Love,’ where he quotes St. Augustine highlighting our moral duty as public servants to fight for justice,” she continued.
It’s ironic that Pelosi talks about “moral duty” when she is one of the most radical supporters of abortion-on-demand through all nine months of a pregnancy, for whatever reason whatsoever.
That’s not “moral” or “justice” by any stretch of the imagination.
In fact, Pope Benedict himself once wrote in a letter specifically dealing with Democrat politicians who claim to be Catholic and pro-abortion saying they are committing “formal evil.”
“A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia,” Pope Benedict wrote in 2004.
Pelosi just looks like a fraud when she tries to claim to defend “moral duty” and “justice” even as a Democrat who pushes definitively anti-Christian policies.
And her official statement right after Benedict’s passing is particularly gross.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.