House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are in trouble. Their grip on Washington, D.C. is slipping.
That’s because Nancy Pelosi’s worst nightmare just came true with this news.
Everyone knows Democrats rely on the black vote and the Hispanic vote to win elections.
That’s precisely why they’ve lied to those communities for years to ensure they get their vote at the ballot box.
Democrats promise the world to the black community and the Hispanic community, all to just turn around and not lift a finger to actually help them.
Their policies that cause insane inflation end up hurting them in the end.
But without the black vote turning out 95% for the Democrats, they know they’d be in trouble.
That started to change when Donald Trump made the most ground out of any Republican in the last 20-plus years with black voters, finally hitting double-digit votes.
But that’s not what the Democrats should be scared about.
It’s the Hispanic vote that’s almost completely left the Democrats’ grip.
A new NBC/Telemundo poll has shown that Democrats now carry just a 20-point lead over the GOP for the Hispanic vote.
NBC reports:
Less than six weeks before November’s midterm elections, Democrats lead Republicans by more than 20 points among Latino voters, but that Democratic advantage has declined from previous election cycles, according to a new national NBC News/Telemundo poll of the Latino electorate.
The poll also finds Latino voters are essentially divided on President Joe Biden, with 51% approving of his job performance and 45% disapproving.
Democrats used to carry a commanding lead with the Hispanic vote, being closer to 50-60% in years past.
But Joe Biden’s Presidency seems to be taking a major toll on that lead.
The poll indicates that a majority of Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s handling of border security and immigration, the economy, and the cost of living.
When asked if Biden’s policies have helped or hurt their financial situations, just 33% say it’s helped.
That’s downright atrocious.
To make matters worse for the Democrats, a few of the top issues listed in the poll were the cost of living, jobs and the economy, and immigration.
All the areas where Democrats trailed Republicans.
Democrats all around the country are desperate to distance themselves from the Biden administration to save their candidacy and have a shot at winning their race.
But it might be too light. Nancy Pelosi appears to be on her way out as the Speaker of the House for the Democrat Party as Republicans look set to take back at least one chamber of Congress.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.