Democrats will do anything to disparage their opposition. Especially if it’s Donald Trump.
And now an Obama official has brutally attacked Donald Trump, setting Fox News on fire.
The character attacks on Donald Trump from the Left have been going on for nearly a decade now. The moment he announced his 2016 campaign back in June of 2015, he was viewed as a “racist” bigot who wanted to send America back to the stone ages of slavery and white nationalism.
Of course, all of this is just a bunch of nonsense. But somehow, this narrative has stuck around for the Left and it’s still being peddled today. It’s not just the ignorant and uninformed pink haired feminists on college campuses studying Greek l*sbian dance theory who are pushing this propaganda either. It’s top Democrats.
Joe Biden himself has tried to imply that Donald Trump wants all of his supporters to start violently attacking anyone who is black or belonging to any other racial minority.
Back in 2020 in the wake of the death of George Floyd, Joe Biden said that Donald Trump was “calling for violence against American citizens.”
I will not lift the President’s tweet. I will not give him that amplification. But he is calling for violence against American citizens during a moment of pain for so many. I’m furious, and you should be too.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 29, 2020
It’s ironic that he claims that, when in reality Americans had to watch the George Floyd “protesters” (rioters) bring cities to their knees by setting them on fire and looting from retail stores left and right. These communities are still trying to recover from the insane violence committed by the George Floyd radical rioters.
The failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State for the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, parroted those claims of Joe Biden as well.
The president of the United States is calling for violence against American citizens.
That is so wrong. We need honest reckoning and reconciliation.
If you haven’t already joined the work to replace him in November, start now.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 29, 2020
Some Trump supporters will take offense to this Leftist character assassination of Donald Trump, however. Trump supporter and Oklahoma’s Speaker of the House, T.W. Shannon did just that when an Obama-era official was invited on the Fox News network and started claiming that Donald Trump hated Jews.
When a former Obama administration official referred to former President Donald Trump as “antisemitic” for his remarks about Jews supporting President Joe Biden, a Fox News discussion on Wednesday descended into hostility.
In reference to the Israel-Hamas conflict, Trump declared on Wednesday that “any Jewish person that votes for a Democrat or for Biden should have their head examined.” This is evidence that Trump is antisemitic, according to Fox News contributor and former Obama State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf. This came up during an exchange with former Republican Speaker of the Oklahoma House T.W. Shannon on The Faulkner Focus.
“Donald Trump has repeatedly questioned the loyalty, he has repeatedly questioned the loyalty of Jewish Americans,” Harf claimed. “He has said antisemitic and offensive things about how Jewish Americans should vote.”
“Oh my gosh! When?” Shannon demanded Harf to answer. “Name one time that Donald Trump has been antisemitic. That is a lie.”
Harris Faulkner, the Fox News host of the segment, interrupted them mid-sentence.
“Lady and gentleman, each of you. Each of you. Antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-all of it,” Faulkner said. “All of it is what we are covering here and we have to get our facts right. I didn’t hear what you’re talking about, Marie, but what I did hear him do is call Biden out for not having clear policy or successful policy with Israel. I’ll bring you back another day.”
This is a prime example of how the Left doesn’t want to debate on matters of policy or simple facts. The reality is that the Biden administration’s handling of the Middle Eastern conflict has been an utter joke.
Donald Trump pointing that out with a simple and obvious joke about Jews supporting Joe Biden’s mishandling of the Middle Eastern conflict is not anti-semitic in the slightest.
It’s not anymore racist than when Joe Biden literally was on a show hosted by a black man and told said black man to his face that he wasn’t black if he was on the fence about voting for Trump or himself. That’s ten times worse, but will these radical Leftists say anything about that? No, because Joe Biden just apologized.
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Joe Biden’s comments during interview with Charlamagne tha God has provoked some reactions: https://t.co/MkYdhJJYXspic.twitter.com/YQ0FaxUW43
— Complex (@Complex) May 22, 2020
So Joe Biden and the Democrats can apologize and their racism goes way like magic. Donald Trump barely does anything at all and he’s a racist pig. This is simply laughable.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.