President Biden is in a state of panic after protests erupt outside of his home

Trouble keeps following Joe Biden. He can’t escape his harshest critics.

And President Biden is in a state of panic after protests erupt outside of his home.

After Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killing 1,400 Israelis, President Joe Biden made it a point to show the world that America stands with the Jewish nation.

But not all Americans agree with the president, including members of his own party.

Reps. Ilhan Omar (R-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (R-MI) have come out in support of Palestine while calling for a ceasefire from Israel.

And they’re not the only ones calling for Biden to support a ceasefire.

This past Saturday, hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors engaged in a loud demonstration right next to Biden’s home in Delaware.

“Ceasefire now,” chants could be heard from the protestors, along with chants of “President Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!”

This protest came shortly before National Security Council spokesman John Kirby explained that the Biden administration “doesn’t believe a ceasefire is appropriate at this time.”

Kirby also detailed that Hamas would benefit from a potential ceasefire and “legitimize what they did on October 7.”

Statements like that from Biden officials will only cause more anger from pro-Palestine protestors along with congressmembers like Omar and Tlaib.

President Biden isn’t a stranger to these types of protests though.

Last week, large crowds or pro-Palestinians protested outside a speaking event Biden was at in Chicago.

Joe Biden is walking a thin line right now.

If he backtracks and denounces his support of Israel, one of America’s strongest allies, he’ll risk losing the support of millions of voters who agree that Israel should have the right to defend itself from brutal terrorists.

But if he continues to back Israel, he’ll lose the support of Leftist extremists like Omar or Tlaib.

Perhaps now Biden is learning just how much the Left enjoys cannibalizing themselves through their incessant infighting.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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