Joe Biden just took a shot to the heart with this announcement from CNN

President Biden has been playing with fire. But all his dirty schemes are coming back to haunt him.

Because Joe Biden just took a shot to the heart with this stunning announcement from CNN.

The history of CNN being a mouth piece for the political establishment and particularly the Democrat establishment is a long one that has been well-documented for years now. CNN and Leftist propaganda go hand-in-hand and are inseparable like a classic peanut butter and jelly.

Right now, there’s something super strange going on over at CNN though. Their election year tone has completely changed compared to recent election years. Usually their schtick is to double down on defending Democrats at all costs to make sure that they get over the finish line in critical races.

That’s not exactly happening right now. In fact, CNN currently has a broadcasting tone that is extremely sobering for Joe Biden and the Democrats. They are reading the writing on the wall about how bad things are looking for them rather than playing the 1984-esque “there is no war” game by just telling their viewers to ignore the facts.

CNN is even freely broadcasting the truth about Donald Trump ever since the “guilty” verdict was handed down in the Manhattan trial, which is that Americans are actually furious about the trial. Even Democrat voters are willing to admit that the trial was likely rigged and, at the least, politically motivated.

In fact, in a recent CNN segment, voters noted how they really don’t think that the trial has any impact on the election at all. If anything, voters have noted that they think Donald Trump will be helped by the sham trial ruling.

Wisconsin Swing-State Voters Unfazed by Trump’s Conviction, Focus on Policy Issues Ahead of Presidential Election

In a recent segment aired on CNN, Wisconsin voters expressed that former President Donald Trump’s conviction would not influence their voting decisions in the upcoming presidential election. Jeff Zeleny, CNN’s chief national affairs correspondent, reported on these sentiments, revealing a steadfast support for Trump despite his legal troubles.

According to a May poll by The New York Times and Siena College, Trump leads President Joe Biden by significant margins among likely voters in several key states: 13% in Nevada, 9% in Georgia, 6% in Arizona, 3% in Pennsylvania, and 1% in Wisconsin. These figures indicate a competitive race, with Trump’s legal issues seemingly having little impact on his supporter base.

During an interview on CNN News Central, two Wisconsin voters shared their perspectives with Zeleny. Caroline Quinlan, an independent voter planning to support Trump, stated that the conviction would not affect her vote unless Trump were imprisoned. “If he’s on the ticket, he’s on the ticket,” Quinlan remarked.

Tony Duckert, another Trump supporter, suggested that the conviction might even bolster Trump’s chances. He emphasized that voters are more concerned with substantive issues such as the economy, inflation, border security, and crime. “I think it’s the economy, which would include inflation, I think it’s the border situation, I think it’s the crime situation. All of the things that have historically a president is judged by in an election year,” Duckert explained. He remained resolute in his support, saying, “I won’t be intimidated in my support for President Trump.”

During the trial in May, Zeleny noted that swing-state voters were largely disengaged from the trial’s developments, with many expressing fatigue and frustration over the proceedings. Instead, these voters were more concerned about pressing economic issues, particularly inflation. Zeleny observed that the trial appeared to benefit Trump, galvanizing his supporters.

Tim Eichinger, a Biden supporter, advocated for a greater focus on policy rather than attacking political opponents. “I would probably say you should really get more emphasis on policy than you should on trashing the opponent,” Eichinger suggested. However, he also expressed concern about the potential consequences of another Trump term, stating, “I worry he could lose. You still have to think about what would happen if we have another term of Donald Trump. ‘Cause it’s going to be worse this time.”

Additionally, a panel of registered voters from North Carolina and Georgia shared their skepticism about the timing and motivations behind Trump’s prosecution. Speaking to 2WAY’s Mark Halperin, they questioned why legal actions against Trump had not progressed significantly over the past few years and suggested that the current legal pursuits might be politically motivated.

A Georgia voter named Gerrylin voiced this sentiment, saying, “Why has nothing really come of any of the cases, and now that he’s on the campaign trail, it’s like now everything is ramping up?”

As the presidential election approaches, it is clear that voters are prioritizing policy issues over legal controversies. The conviction of Donald Trump, while a significant event, appears to be a secondary concern for many voters who are more focused on economic and social issues that directly impact their lives.

You can watch the clip from CNN’s segment using the video player below:

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