Stunning report reveals who really runs the White House

Biden has seen better days. But he may be so bad off that he isn’t even running the show.

And a stunning report reveals who really runs the White House.

It doesn’t take a private investigator to see that Biden’s health, both mental and physical, are on the decline.

If he isn’t stumbling or completely falling over after a speech, he’s mumbling through incoherent and rambling sentences.

For sure, the Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

To admit that Biden can’t handle his duties anymore would be to hand the White House to Republicans.

But to keep him going means putting the entire country at risk.

That’s why he’s had some helping hands lately.

Former President Barack Obama is apparently coaching President Joe Biden, 80, behind the scenes on artificial intelligence (AI), which Biden described this week as “the most consequential technology of our time.”

The story confirms concerns that Obama is closely involved in the Biden administration’s direction.

Over the past five months, Obama has advised Joe Biden and his aides on an artificial intelligence strategy, “engaging behind the scenes with tech companies and holding Zoom meetings with top West Wing aides at President Joe Biden’s request, according to aides to both men,” NBC News reported on Friday:

The current and former presidents discussed the issue on a phone call in June, aides to both of them said. They agreed on the goal of maximizing the technology while limiting the risks, according to Obama and Biden aides.

After that, Biden asked Obama to consult with his team to develop a policy that encourages innovation but also directly addresses the dangers of AI, their aides said. They then continued the discussion during a lunch at the White House, they said.

They agreed that they have a “shared vision,” their aides said, and that the federal government should take swift action.

Obama’s influence on the Biden administration’s AI policy comes at a time when conservatives are concerned that Biden intends to mold AI as a tool for Democrats to impose censorship on conservatives.

This week, Biden issued an AI executive order, which he described as a regulatory push for the AI sector.

“Biden’s approach is more carrot than stick,” Axios summarized. “The order commits to ‘ease AI professionals’ path into the Federal Government’ and offer expanded AI training to bureaucrats.”

“It appears as though the Biden administration’s first goals when it comes to AI is to use robots to enforce censorship of “misinformation” (i.e., normative conservative thought),” Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, wrote on Wednesday.

The presidential order will begin the process of “enshrining trendy woke opinion as cold-hard facts,” according to Marlow.

The bill “must advance the goals of ‘civil rights’ and ‘equity’ — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework,” according to Allum Bokhari, senior Tech writer at Breitbart.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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