Supreme Court ruling draws a line in the sand that no one should ever cross

greg abbott

The Judicial branch of government has been busy. Every month, there seems to be a high stakes case in court.

And now a new Supreme Court ruling has drawn a line in the sand that no one should ever dare cross.

In Texas, legislators passed a major new law that would ban any sort of gender-transition medical treatment for anyone under the age of 18. The bill (SB14) was passed earlier this year, and Governor Greg Abbott (R) signed it into law in June.

Though, as always, you can expect the Left to lose their minds and do everything they can to try and stop the duly passed law from taking effect in the state of Texas.

The law was hit with lawsuit after lawsuit and whether or not it would stand would be up to the Texas court system as it made its way up the court hierarchy ladder.

Eventually it landed at the Supreme Court, and now the Texas Supreme Court has made a decision that is going to make a ton of Texas parents happy.

The Texas Supreme Court authorized the taking effect of the new law on Friday that forbids the treatment of adolescents who are “transitioning” their gender.

In a decision last week that ruled the plaintiffs were likely to be successful in their appeal on state constitutional grounds, a lower court had temporarily stopped the law from going into force. The Texas Supreme Court rejected the attorney general’s appeal of that ruling, which stopped the temporary injunction from taking effect.

In order to prevent the law from going into effect while the state Supreme Court evaluates the appeal, the state’s highest court rejected an emergency plea on Thursday.

The legal challenge to the statute, which forbids physicians from providing hormones and puberty blockers to minors and from performing gender-transition procedures on minors, is being fronted by Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Texas.

The medical licenses of doctors who break the law may be canceled. The law forbids health insurance plans from paying for services related to gender transformation. It requires progressively weaning current patients who are minors off of the medicines they are getting and will instantly preclude doctors from giving transition therapy to new patients.

Of the more than 20 states with legislation of a similar nature, Texas is now the largest state to forbid the transitioning of children.

The advocacy organizations that brought the legal lawsuit referred to the state Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law’s implementation as “cruel.”

“Transgender youth and their families are forced to confront the start of the school year fearful of what awaits them. But let us be clear: The fight is far from over,” the groups said in a joint statement.

They have contended that the regulation is unconstitutional and deprives parents of their freedom to decide what medical treatment their children receive. The plaintiffs contend that the law discriminates against transgender people who suffer from gender dysphoria by preventing them from receiving therapies that are nonetheless available to children in Texas for the management of other problems.

The ruling was praised by Texas Values, a conservative organization that backed the bill.

“Texas kids are safer today because of the Supreme Court ruling,” said Jonathan Covey, the organization’s policy director. “Protecting children from harmful and dangerous gender transition surgeries and puberty blockers is in the best interests of the child and something we all agree on.”

Of course, the vast majority of Texans believe that this bill is a net positive. It’s simply about protecting kids from those who want to use them as social justice experiments and ploys for the radical Left’s games.

The law still has more to go through in the court system. The Texas Supreme Court didn’t quite rubber stamp the law, though their rejection of an injuction seems to indicate that they will side with keeping the law anyway.

But beyond that, the U.S. Supreme Court will have the opportunity to take a look at this bill from Texas as well. There, the conservative bench would likely uphold the law as well.

Win for children in Texas, loss for the radicals who want to control innocent children who know no better.

The DC Daily Journal will keep you updated on any updates on SB14’s legal status in Texas.

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