The Biden administration has disobeyed a direct Supreme Court order yet again

us supreme court

The White House and the Supreme Court are in a tug of war. And it’s heating up fast.

Because the Biden administration has disobeyed a direct Supreme Court order for the second time.

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden administration’s socialist student loan forgiveness plan was unconstitutional and could not move forward any longer.

It was a 6-3 ruling as well, which had to hurt for the Biden administration because that really cements the ruling as one that wouldn’t be easily contested in the future.

In the wake of this, however, the Biden administration made it clear that they would do everything they could to move forward with forgiving the debt of students with taxpayer dollars as much as they could.

It was an obvious signal of disobedience to the rule of law in the nation, but the Biden administration apparently seriously meant it.

2,300 student borrowers had their $72 million in student loan debt forgiven, according to a new Biden administration announcement.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Department of Education said that because of false statements about education made to students between 2009 and 2020, those who attended Ashford University, an online university with a San Diego address that was later purchased by the University of Arizona, would be exempt from paying back student loans.

President Joe Biden committed to offer more measures to provide relief to holders of student loans despite the Supreme Court’s ruling. James Kvaal, the undersecretary of education for the United States, referenced a court ruling from California from last year that supported students’ claims of being misinformed about educational opportunities and job prospects.

As the California Department of Justice demonstrated in court, Ashford heavily depended on coercive and dishonest recruiting techniques to entice students, according to Kvaal. “Today, we are protecting the students who were cheated by Ashford, and we will also hold the perpetrators accountable, protect taxpayers, and deter future wrongdoing.”

With the release of the loan relief on Wednesday, the Biden administration boasted that more than 3.4 million people had obtained loan relief, resulting in loan cancellations totaling more than $116 billion.

According to the Department of Education, $14.8 billion in relief has now been issued for 1.1 million borrowers whose institutions “took advantage of them or closed abruptly.”

If you look at the Supreme Court’s ruling on Joe Biden student loan forgiveness plan, they made it clear that the power of the purse belongs with Congress and Congress alone. The White House can’t arbitrarily decide when and how it wants to spend money.

Though, the Biden administration is apparently using loopholes to get around this by looking for ways to cancel debt that are reaching to say the least.

Sure, students who were given false information or lied to so they would take on debt shouldn’t be held responsible for that debt. That’s not just true for student loan debt, that’s true for any debt. The individual taking on the debt has to be in full knowledge of what they are doing.

But arguing that because a school was bought out by another school means that the student who took on the loan debt didn’t know what they were doing is a little bit ridiculous if you ask the average American.

This way, the Biden administration can use the enforcement of the “justice system” to use taxpayer dollars to cancel student loan debt just as he intended to from the beginning.

Where does it end? Who knows. The Supreme Court just might have to weigh in again to get even more clear with those who intend to abuse the power of the executive branch just as the Biden administration has.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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