The U.S. Military sent Biden a report with the worst news

Joe Biden is a failure of a commander-in-chief. The latest news proves it.

Because the U.S. Military just sent Biden a report that made his head spin.

The Defense Suicide Prevention Office at the Pentagon reported that the number of military suicides climbed by 25% in the first period of 2023 when compared to the same period the previous year.

A total of 94 active-duty service members committed themselves between January 1 and March 31, 2023, according to the study; this represents a 25% increase from the previous year’s first-quarter total of 74 suicides.

This comprises 12 new regular army soldiers, 6 new Marines, 1 new Air Force members, 2 new members in each of the four main branches’ Reserves, and 4 new suicides among the Army and Air National Guard.

According to the study, there have been no suicides among the newly formed Space Force.

This year’s tally of 94 suicides is higher than the 83-year quarterly average (dating back to 2016), yet it is still below the greatest quarterly total.

In the third quarter of 2020, the office recorded 113 suicides; in the fourth quarter, 101; and in the final quarter of 2019, 101.

According to the data, the number of suicides recorded during the second quarter of 2017 was the lowest quarterly total recorded during the era.

It was cautioned in the paper, nevertheless, that readers should approach the data with caution.

Suicide counts do not take into account changes in population growth; therefore, the report advises caution when making comparisons among groups and/or interpreting variations in suicide counts over time. Rates normalize for variations in sample sizes and allow for more consistent comparisons over time and between categories.

The Army had the highest suicide rate, with 49 soldiers taking their own lives during the quarter compared to only 37 the year before.

According to an Army spokeswoman quoted in Air Force Times, the service is “working urgently but deliberately” to address concerns.

According to Stars and Stripes, the Department of Defense passed the Brandon Act, which makes it easier for service members to seek out mental health services without fear of retaliation.

Beth Foster, executive director of the Pentagon’s Force Resiliency Office, told Stars and Stripes in the fall of 2020, when the 2021 Annual Report on Suicide in the Military was released, that “there is still a gradual increasing trend for suicide in the military over a 10-year period,” and that a sustained long-term reduction in suicide rates would indicate success.

The news agency claims that in 2020 there were 29 commits for every 100,000 soldiers. That is up from 17.5 just ten years prior in 2010.

The consensus, then, is that suicide is a growing problem for the U.S. military and there’s no clear answer on what to do to shore up the mental health issues that are popping up in our soldiers.

Conservatives are criticizing Joe Biden and the Democrats for trying to turn the military into a “social justice” testing ground. They say that there’s only going to be negative impacts on mental health when you force service members to buy into “social justice” games like gender ideology or face being dishonorably discharged.

Or consider how countless men and women in service were concerned that they would lose their career in the military for daring to question the government’s authority to force them to get a vaccine.

It’s clear that we are not taking care of our active service members and that needs to change immediately.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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