Everyone knows that Washington, D.C. politics has become an anti-American Swamp. But they’ve gone too far this time.
Because this new Constitutional amendment should scare the daylights out of you.
It’s quite clear to everyone in the political realm that California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has his eyes set on politics in Washington, D.C.
Some argued that he would run for President in 2024, but he ultimately decided to throw his support behind Joe Biden. But if anything tragic happened to Biden, you can be sure that Gavin might get a call from the DNC to file a run.
Either way, he is most definitely keeping his options open for 2028 and beyond. As such, he’s trying to posture within the Democrat party to become their de facto leader for when those future elections come.
And how does a Democrat get street-cred from their radical base? Make wild, anti-American statements and push for so-called “progressive” policies that are deeply controversial.
That’s exactly what Gavin Newsom is up to right now.
Governor Newsom has released a new video announcing his support for a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would literally make a mockery of the freedom the Founding Fathers had for our nation.
His 28th Amendment proposal would increase the age for anyone to be able to buy any weapon to 21 years old. It would also enforce so-called “Universal Background Checks” as well as force all gun purchases to be subject to waiting periods.
Most critically, the proposed Constitutional amendment would outright ban assault weapons – whatever their definition of that is.
Newsom calls these measures “common-sense” gun control in the video announcement and says that it leaves the Second Amendment in tact.
“The 28th Amendment will enshrine in the Constitution common sense gun safety measures that Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and gun owners overwhelmingly support — while leaving the 2nd Amendment unchanged and respecting America’s gun-owning tradition,” Newsom says in the video.
Let’s dismantle the radicalism of these insane proposals one-by-one, shall we?
Newsom says that “if you can’t buy a beer, you shouldn’t be able to buy a gun” in reference to the proposed change to increase the gun purchasing age to 21.
Well then why are young men and women allowed to sign their lives over to the U.S. military at the age of 18? These 18 year old men and women are literally trusted with weapons the moment they get out of basic training and even during.
The drinking age of 21 has been respected in many regions throughout the world based on the science that young people will have their brains impacted by significant amounts of alcohol before the age of 21.
Such a problem doesn’t exist for guns. In fact, studies have shown that when young people are shown how to respect firearms and practice safety, they are more likely to be law-abiding citizens.
Secondly, “Universal Background Checks” are just a way for the federal government to keep tabs on absolutely everyone who owns a firearm and what firearms they own. Currently, in many states, you only have to give certain information to the state.
This is also a ploy to criminalize anyone who is simply letting a trusted friend or family member use their firearm for a period of time without having to do a legal transfer and give the government more private information.
Thirdly, waiting periods are just flat-out moronic. Criminals who are so disgusting that they want to plan out mass shootings and tragic events aren’t going to be deterred by a week or two of waiting for their firearm to come in.
Because remember, folks, criminals don’t care about the law. A majority of school shootings in America happen because the criminal obtained their weapon legally. What part of a waiting period is going to deter that? And if they got their weapon illegally, again, what part of a waiting period is going to deter that? It’s nonsense.
And lastly, but most importantly, an assault weapon ban is the holy grail of gun-grabbing Democrats because that’s the foot in the door of total gun confiscation.
Let’s be very clear. There is no such thing as an “assault weapon.” What Democrats mean is that they don’t like those big black weapons that look scary. Any firearm can be used for the purposes of assault. There are weapons that are classified as “assault weapons” in the eyes of radical Democrats that are not nearly as dangerous as other handguns and even bolt-action rifles.
They don’t know what assault-weapons are to begin with and they don’t care. Once you set the precedent that you ban a weapon because it’s black and has a 16-inch barrel, there’s no reason you can’t later ban a handgun that is in the exact same caliber but just in a 5-inch barrel.
Gavin Newsom can try to die on this hill all he wants to. We can assure you he most certainly will kill his political career if he decides to.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.