This photo of Hillary Clinton will leave you in utter shock

Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is one of the most controversial political figures of the last twenty years.

She always had a knack for finding herself in controversy. But this new photo of Hillary Clinton will leave you in utter shock.

When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, the entire political establishment was rocked.

Many Americans were stunned that he actually pulled it off.

But after the dust settled, it made more sense.

Hillary Clinton is a wildly unpopular political figure. And it almost certainly played a major factor in her eventually losing to Trump at the ballot box.

She refuses to step out of the spotlight and work on her public image, however.

Recently, she Tweeted a photo of her dancing in Cartagena, Columbia while she was there for a meeting as a Secretary of State for the Obama administration.

There’s nothing wrong with dancing in your free time, but what’s weird is that she tweeted this in support of Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who currently finds herself in sexual infidelity controversies after a number of leaks.

According to the leaks online, the Finnish Prime Minister can be seen sexually dancing with a man who was not her husband and even a woman.

Clinton is seemingly tweeting her dancing picture in support of Sanna Marin’s infidelity.

Marin has admitted that there was alcohol involved at her parties where these leaks originated from.

Similarly, Hillary Clinton was also photographed throwing back a beer at the same party she tweeted about in Columbia in 2012.

Here at the DC Daily Journal, we by no means condemn anyone who wants to relax with a little bit of alcohol during their free time.

But, for wisdom’s sake, maybe Prime Ministers and Secretaries of State should be more careful about where and when they choose to unwind.

And Hillary Clinton defending Marin’s blatant sexual infidelity is just truly bizarre.

But then again, she is the infamous Hillary Clinton, and she’s showing no interest in staying out of controversies.

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