Trump unveils secret weapon against Joe Biden that left the White House in hysterics

The 2024 race is getting away from Biden. And now this could be the nail in the coffin.

And Trump unveils a secret weapon against Joe Biden that left the White House in hysterics.

One week before the first presidential debate in 2024, CNN reported that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off.

While much of the news has been positive for Trump, Biden and other possible contenders have felt the heat.

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not met the qualifications for the June 27 debate in Atlanta, Georgia.

CNN also highlighted that due to the results of a coin flip that Biden won, Trump will have the “last word” in the discussion.

“The debate qualification window closed at 12:00:01 a.m. ET on Thursday, with Biden and Trump meeting the constitutional, ballot qualification and polling thresholds set by the network.”

According to National Review, Kennedy “needed to earn at least 15 percent support in four nationwide polls” to qualify for the debate.

“By Thursday, he sat just above the 15 percent mark on three approved national polls,” National Review added.

On Thursday, USA Today reported that the independent candidate had “filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission [FEC] in May.”

In the complaint, Kennedy stated that CNN and the campaigns of the two major party candidates had “engaged in flagrant violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.”

He alleged: “The violations occurred when … CNN colluded with the Biden Committee and the Trump Committee to schedule and did schedule a debate with criteria that were designed to result in the selection of certain pre-chosen participants, namely Biden and Trump.”

But more importantly, CNN announced the order of the debate between Trump and Biden.

CNN said Thursday that “Trump will get the final word” at the debate “after a coin flip to determine podium placement and the order of closing statements.”

“The coin landed on the Biden campaign’s pick — tails — which meant his campaign got to choose whether it wanted to select the president’s podium position or the order of closing statements.”

It makes you wonder if Biden chose podium position so America doesn’t have to see him struggle to make it to the stage.

Aside from that, this is a boon for Trump who will be able to make his case against Biden directly to the American people without Biden being able to respond.

This past weekend, the campaigns of both candidates agreed on guidelines for the Atlanta debate, some of which differed significantly from previous presidential debates.

CNN said that “the June 27 clash will have no studio audience,” which was described as a “key departure from the two Biden-Trump debates of 2020.”

“The debate will include two commercial breaks … and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time.”

Political pundit Chris Cillizza stated on X (previously Twitter) that three of the four key declared debate rules benefit Biden, while one likely benefits Trump.

“Surprised Trump team agreed to these rules honestly,” Cillizza added.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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