U.S. Senator reports alarming assassination attempt to Capitol Police

Politics should never spill over into violence. But that’s where we’re at in America.

And this U.S. Senator reported an alarming assassination attempt to Capitol Police.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., notified Capitol Police on Tuesday of a “politically motivated assassination” by former CIA and NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, with the expectation that the police will safeguard congressional members and bring “criminals to justice.”

Hayden tweeted earlier Tuesday that he was “surprised to wake up this morning and discover MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestions that ‘Coach’ Tuberville not be considered a member of the human race.”

The tweet was a direct response to remarks he made the previous night.

When one user of the social media platform X inquired if Tuberville should be removed from his committee, Hayden replied, “How about the human race?” The remark appeared to be in response to the senator’s decision to keep his hold on military appointments over the Pentagon’s abortion policy, which has resulted in hundreds of senior positions remaining empty.

The regulation covers out-of-state travel for reproductive services, such as in-vitro fertilization and abortion, for DoD personnel.

Tuberville’s office told NBC News last weekend that the Senator has no plans to break his hold despite Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.

Hayden has previously called Tuberville out on social media, most recently in September, when a social media user inquired if it was “wrong” to call Tuberville a “racist.”

“I have aphasia. Sometimes my meaning isn’t clear. What I meant to say is Tuberville absolutely is a racist. Or, in other words, it is not wrong to say he is a racist,” Hayden replied.

Tuberville recently commented on social media to Hayden’s words.

“This morning, my office was made aware of a statement made by General Michael Hayden calling for a politically motivated assassination. This statement is disgusting, and it is repugnant to everything we believe in as Americans,” Tuberville said.

“Given General Hayden’s long career in Washington, he must have known that, by making such a statement, he was committing a serious crime. His own efforts today to reinterpret what he said are only a tacit admission of guilt.”

“If we still have a nonpolitical justice system in this country, then General Hayden will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. My office has reported this incident to the Capitol Police, and I expect that they will once again do an excellent job protecting members of Congress and bringing criminals to justice,” he added.

Tuberville went on to say that he was unaware of any congressional Democrats condemning Hayden’s remarks, and that Democrats “only continued to attack” him by name on Tuesday.

“Sadly, General Hayden is just the latest in a long line of Washington Leftists who have engaged in reckless rhetoric against me over the past few months,” Tuberville said in a statement. “This must stop, and it must stop now.”

Tuberville chastised Hayden for presiding over “some of the biggest failures” in American intelligence history, tying him to the 9/11 attacks and the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

He further claimed that Hayden lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop in order for Joe Biden to be elected president.

“Both of these lies tore our country apart and did enormous damage to the fabric of our republic. General Hayden is in no position to criticize anyone as his credibility was completely destroyed long ago,” Tuberville said.

“I am a conservative and a Republican, but above all, I am an American who cares about this country and is deeply concerned for its future. I am not a politician, and when I came to Washington, I did not expect to be popular among the clown show; but I certainly did not expect to be lied about on the Senate floor and threatened by former government officials like Michael Hayden.”

“Anyone who actually cares about our country must go on the record and condemn his reckless statements,” he went on to say.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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