U.S. Supreme Court accused of terrible crime by Biden campaign advisor

The U.S. Supreme Court has been a hot topic lately. The Left wants to burn it all down.

Because the U.S. Supreme Court’s now been accused of a terrible crime by the Joe Biden campaign.

Carville Warns of Theocratic Shift if Trump Wins and Replaces Sotomayor

In a video released on Monday, Democratic strategist James Carville issued a stark warning about the potential consequences of former President Donald Trump securing reelection and appointing a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Sonia Sotomayor. Carville cautioned that such a scenario could push the United States toward a theocratic government.

Amid growing concerns among liberals, some have suggested that Justice Sotomayor should consider retiring before the upcoming election to ensure her seat could be filled by a younger Democratic appointee if Trump wins. During his segment on James Carville Explains, Carville emphasized that a Trump victory and the subsequent replacement of Sotomayor would result in the erosion of religious freedom, urging young voters to mobilize against the former president to prevent the establishment of a theocracy.

Carville did not mince words about the stakes, stating, “I can assure you, if Trump wins and he names a replacement for Sotomayor, it’s game, set, match. There’s no more Constitution, there’s no more religious freedom. We’re now going to officially move into a theocracy.” He addressed young people directly, highlighting the significant impact their votes could have, “I hear young people say, ‘well I don’t feel like I have a stake in this.’ Well, you got a hell of a stake coming up.”

Carville’s comments came in the wake of Republican Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signing Senate Bill 313 into law. This legislation mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, marking Louisiana as the first state to implement such a requirement.

Highlighting the broader implications, Carville continued, “So let’s everybody remember what’s really at stake here. It’s about imposing a theocracy on other people, and the fools and tools that are being used for this opening salvo. This is in Louisiana, and they’re being exploited by people who have, in my view, an odious and insidious agenda for the United States of America. So let’s fight this thing like our country depended on it because it does.”

In a recent appeal to media outlets, Carville urged for more critical coverage of Trump, stressing the high stakes of the election. “I don’t have anything against slanted coverage,” he stated. “I really don’t … I would have something against it at most other times in American history, but not right now. F**k objectivity. The real objectivity in this country right now is we’re either going to have a Constitution or we’re not.”

The Politicization of the U.S. Supreme Court

Ever since Brett Kavanaugh was added to the U.S. Supreme Court bench to flip the majority, there’s been a continuous uproar on the side of the radical Left over the fact that the Supreme Court has been handing down rulings that may be “conservative” in nature. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court is a 6-3 conservative majority, that just makes sense to anyone with a brain.

But the Left can’t stand it. They’ve been trying to politicize the nation’s High Court now that they can’t expect a divided U.S. Supreme Court from stifling their agenda or giving wins to the conservative movement.

Nothing highlights this better than when sitting Democrat U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer literally threatened the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to prevent them from ever considering the overturning of Roe v. Wade. He said there’d be a “whirlwind” and consequences to pay, as he yelled at them during a rally.

Since then, Amy Coney Barret has been added to the bench. Roe v. Wade did get effectively overturned with the Dobbs decision. That ruling was the catalyst the Left was looking for to lose their marbles. James Carville is an example of someone who has lost their mind because he can’t always win.

The Reality The Left Ignores

The reality is that Roe v. Wade was always going to be on the chopping block. Even if Amy Coney Barrett wasn’t added to the Supreme Court bench, there’s no telling if her predecessor Ruth Bader Ginsberg would have voted against the majority in the Dobbs case. She herself said that the Roe v. Wade ruling was on dubious and shaky legal ground.

Just because the U.S. Supreme Court isn’t in the Left’s back pocket doesn’t mean that it is a corrupt institution. There’s literally no argument that America is turning into a “theocracy” simply because some conservative rulings have been handed down by the High Court. That’s not how the system works. James Carville is simply trying to get the Leftist base riled up to vote for Joe Biden in November because he knows that another Supreme Court nomination would be a serious thorn in the side of their agendas for years to come.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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