Dr. Anthony Fauci made a name for himself as the supporter of draconian lockdown measures on everyday Americans. But he’s making a pretty penny in ways you never thought possible.
And what Dr. Fauci was caught charging thousands for will disgust you.
Dr. Fauci should go down in history as one of the worst civil “servants” this country has ever seen for his disgraceful behavior during the COVID pandemic.
He started out saying cloth masks were completely ineffective and to leave N95s for the medical professionals.
Then he pulled a full 180 degree turn and demanded every American to wear a mask and get the vaccine or else they’d be threatened with second class citizenship.
All the while, Fauci never disclosed that his NIAID, which he was the head of, has a hand in dangerous research involving coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where disease may have originated from.
Not only that, Fauci was the highest paid worker in the federal government – above Congressmen, the President, and four-star generals.
And after deciding to leave his post at the end of 2022 thanks to increased Republican scrutiny of his mishandling of research grants and the pandemic at large, Fauci is making more than ever before.
According to the Washington Examiner, Dr. Fauci is charging as much as $100,000 for speaking engagements just months after exiting the Biden administration.
The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s listing on Leading Motivational Speakers is listed under the “motivational speakers” and “healthcare speakers” categories.
For speaking appearances, his price ranges from $50,000 to $100,000. On May 22, Fauci will deliver the graduating address at Yale School of Medicine.
Christina Pushaw, the head of Rapid Response for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ reelection campaign, chastised the former chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden for his exorbitant speaking fee online, tweeting a screenshot of the listing with the comment “SERIOUSLY???”
Jordan Schachtel, a Substack writer, responded to the tweet with, “Follow The Science Starting at 50k an hour.”
Follow The Science
Starting at 50k an hour
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) February 5, 2023
According to a watchdog, the NIAID director’s net worth was estimated to be more than $10 million as recently as January 2022, with his compensation being the highest in the federal government at around $480,000 in 2022.
Fauci left the NIAID and his post as a medical adviser to Biden at the end of last year. During the Trump administration, Fauci was also a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
There’s something deeply unsettling about the fact that Fauci has made millions off the taxpayer during his tenure.
What kind of job did he do to warrant leaving with a $10 million+ net worth?
And now his retirement can be easily supplemented with six-figure speaking deals while America still reels with the consequences of his so-called “leadership.”
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.