The Biden White House has been in disarray. They are about to pay the price.
Because this White House assassination talk has left Washington, D.C. in chaos.
Everyone who is remotely paying attention to the way the Biden administration treats the media knows that they will not cooperate with anyone who isn’t explicitly on “their side.”
Fox News’ Peter Doocy gets stiff-armed anytime he has a legitimate question for White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and he’s not the only one.
Even more Biden-friendly reporters have had their fair questions for the Biden administration ignored because of their refusal to pledge full support of the Biden administration.
Simply put, it’s sad that we’re at a point in our country’s history when politicians will not work with the free press unless the press is behind them no matter what.
It’s not just American press that gets treated this way either.
According to the African Journalist Simon Ateba, the White House has been treating him like a second-class reporter unworthy of any attention for months now with no sign of that coming to an end.
Simon Ateba has shared with the media that the White House has refused to call on him to participate in press briefings for nine months now.
He also makes the strong claim that the White House is trying to “assassinate” his character due to his influence.
Ateba seems to imply that the White House illegally worked with the Washington Post to publish a hit piece on him.
“I know that was sent by the White House and the White House Correspondents Association to assassinate my character,” Ateba shared with conservative news company Newsmax.
He pointed to his massive internet influence, specifically on Twitter where he reached more than 200 million people a month, as evidence that the White House doesn’t want him to make the Biden admin look bad by asking fair questions.
“They are doing this because I’ve become extremely influential, reaching 200 million people on Twitter every 28 days and between 6 to 7 million people every day and they realize that they need to stop me.”
Ateba also says that his White House credentials will be expiring at the end of this month and that he’s heard nothing about getting those credentials renewed so he can keep participating in White House press briefings.
As for the Washington Post, Ateba says his team has reached out to the outlet and asked them to remove the post so he doesn’t have to “take them to court.”
He’s accused the Democrats and the entire radical Left of actually being racist by not wanting to work with African reporters who might not be one hundred percent sympathetic to their Leftist ideas.
According to Ateba, the U.S. is simply losing respect in African countries because of the antics of the Biden administration.
“When you fail to call, to respect the African journalist in the White House, you actually disrespect, not just for me before the entire continent and you are allowing the Chinese to become more influential and the Russians to expand their influence across the continent. And that’s really sad,” the African reporter added.
Sure, no one has a right to be called on in White House Press briefings.
But you would think that someone could get called on at least once over a nine month period, right? Apparently not if you’re the Biden administration.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.