Dr. Anthony Fauci refuses to step out of the limelight. The pandemic boosted his career and his ego.
And you won’t believe what Fauci said in this shocking interview.
The COVID panic is going on its third year since the experts told us to shelter in place for two weeks to slow the spread.
What started as a 14-day nuisance to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed turned into one of the largest shocks to American society ever.
Small businesses shuttered their doors in droves, allowing big businesses to consolidate market share.
Grandparents were sectioned off from their families and, in some cases, forced to die alone in the hospital for fear of spreading COVID.
The government toyed with “vaccine passports,” effectively entertaining the idea of creating a second-class citizenship for those who refused to be vaccinated.
And many Americans wonder why we did all of this and if it really even helped anyone.
Many, especially on the conservative side of the aisle, have blamed Anthony Fauci for politicizing the pandemic.
For example, in the beginning of the pandemic, Fauci claimed that cloth masks were almost worthless in preventing the spread of COVID.
Even high-profile Democrats said as much, with Barack Obama tweeting “Save the masks for health care workers. Let’s stay calm, listen to the experts, and follow the science.” in March of 2020.
But for some reason, the narrative changed without any evidence to suggest why, and anyone who questioned the 180-degree shift was vilified as a misinformed grandma killer.
But Fauci thinks anyone who says his motives weren’t as pure as the wind-driven snow are mistaken and misinforming others.
In a recent interview on ABC’s “This Week,” anchor Jon Karl tossed Fauci a softball question saying, “Fauci became the subject of bizarre conspiracy theories and received countless death threats as he was vilified by the right. So what’s the biggest misconception about you?”
Fauci said, “You know, I don’t know, Jon. I think the misconception is I was misleading people. You know, to say that I, who has been an adviser to seven presidents and have never ever veered one way or the other from an ideological standpoint, for somebody to say that I’m political, that’s completely crazy.”
Karl then pressed Fauci on his flip-flopping when it came to masks, asking “would you take back what you said about masks? Obviously, the guidance changed, but you were very definitive. You said there’s absolutely no reason for people to be wearing masks.”
He quickly queried the good doctor on school closings, asking “was it a mistake in so many states, in so many localities, to see schools closed as long as they were?”
Fauci said, “I think, I don’t want to use the word mistake, Jon. If I do, it gets taken out of the context – the question you’re asking.”
If Fauci isn’t interested in playing politics and it would be “crazy” to insinuate that, then why is he so concerned with his public image?
His response shows that he knows he was wrong, but he can’t stand the idea of anyone questioning the COVID narrative peddled by the Democrat Party.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.