Greg Abbott can’t believe what he found Joe Biden doing at the southern border

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is taking President Biden to task. He believes the president is up to no good.

And now Greg Abbott can’t believe what he found Joe Biden doing at the southern border.

Republican Texas AG Ken Paxton sued the federal government on Tuesday, naming as defendants Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas and others, accusing CBP officers of harming state property.

CBP personnel have been captured on tape cutting border security wire many times in recent years. The wire was installed in an effort to prevent illegal immigrants from invading Texas.

A Border Patrol agent was seen on camera in June cutting wire on the Texas side of the border.

A video purportedly shot in September showed illegal immigrants passing through an area where a Border Patrol agent had cut wire.

The attorney general of Texas and many other Americans were outraged by these events, and many blamed President Joe Biden.

“Americans across the country were horrified to watch Biden’s open-border policy in action: agents were physically cutting wires and assisting the aliens’ entry into our state. This is illegal. It puts our country and our citizens at risk,” Paxton declared in a press release, according to Fox News. “The courts must put a stop to it, or Biden’s free-for-all will make this crushing immigration crisis drastically worse.”

Paxton shared the lawsuit’s news over social media as well.

“Today, I filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration regarding their cutting razor wire at the border. Texas is and will continue to be America’s greatest backstop to the failures of the federal government,” Paxton tweeted.

The attorney general of Texas has wasted little time since being exonerated in a fake impeachment and returning to his campaign against illegal immigration.

Paxton filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, claiming that federal inaction on border security forced Texas to install concertina wire (commonly known as “razor” wire).

“Texas has acted to fill the breach created by the federal government’s indolence,” Paxton stated.

CBP agents “increased this federal practice of cutting, destroying, or otherwise damaging Texas’ concertina wire that had been strategically positioned for the purpose of securing the border and stemming the flow of illegal migration” near Eagle Pass, Texas, which Paxton called the “epicenter” of a “recent” and “unprecedented” surge of illegal immigrants.

Paxton even gave a precise date when the disturbing and disruptive actions of federal agents first began.

He claimed that federal authorities had been systematically removing concertina wire in Texas since September 20, 2023, helping thousands of illegal aliens cross the Rio Grande into the state.

According to Paxton, this means that government officers have undertaken a wide variety of illegal acts.

“By cutting Texas’ concertina wire, the federal government has not only illegally destroyed property owned by the State of Texas; it has also disrupted the State’s border security efforts, leaving gaps in Texas’s border barriers and damaging Texas’s ability to effectively deter illegal entry into its territory,” the attorney general wrote.

Paxton has acted responsibly as attorney general of Texas. He can’t really do anything else at this point. Only time will tell if taking the federal government to court will accomplish anything.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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