Joe Biden hit the panic button after being sold out by this former ally

Joe Biden

Biden is running for a second-term, but he may not get very far. His supposed friends are jumping ship left and right.

And Joe Biden hit the panic button after being sold out by this former ally.

Biden’s political ship is sinking faster than anyone ever expected.

Allegations coming out that he sold policy decisions to foreign agents for money.

And when he’s not deflecting from possible crimes, he’s bungling every policy decision he takes up.

Most notably, he’s moving to end Title 42 which allowed federal agencies to deport certain illegal immigrants from the country.

Instead, his administration is claiming there’s no crisis to see and that it’s all a fabrication by Republicans.

Unfortunately for him, a former Democrat and ally just exposed his lies for all to see.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) criticized White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre this week for falsely asserting that the United States’ southern border was secure, calling her remarks “just factually not true.”

On Monday, Jean-Pierre asserted that “the actions that this president has taken” have resulted in a 90% drop in illegal immigration.

During an appearance on Fox News’ “Special Report” with anchor Bret Baier, Sinema responded to the remarks.

“Obviously, the border is not secure. Anyone with eyes can see that,” Sinema said.

“And anyone who lives in a border state like I do, born and raised in Arizona, actually takes offense at comments like that because they’re just factually not true. The reality is, is that border communities in my state are suffering already, and that’s before the end of Title 42.”

“Just last week, I held a hearing in our border subcommittee and brought a Republican mayor and a Democratic mayor, both representing small border towns from Arizona,” she said.

“And we just asked them, what is it like every day in your town? And Bret, there are high-speed chases going on through the city of Sierra Vista right now with young teens driving cars and sometimes being killed or causing the death of others transporting drugs and other migrants through these communities.”

“It is not secure,” Sinema added. “It is not safe.”

Later, Sinema stated that she believes Biden could at least begin addressing the crisis he is accused of creating by “enforcing the laws that are on the books.”

“There are a lot of bipartisan plans that we’ve been working on with some of our colleagues in the Senate and the House that could actually make a difference,” she said.

“It would be most helpful if the administration would start by actually enforcing the laws that are on the books, that would provide confidence, particularly to Republican members of the House and the Senate, that we could get something done.”

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