Joe Biden is at his wits’ end after this report of how badly he’s failed

It’s almost over for Biden and company. He’s run out of time to turn things around.

And Joe Biden’s at his wits’ end after this report proves how badly he’s failed as president.

Is there any turning around the Biden administration’s extremely low approval ratings? If there was any chance of that happening, it seems like that ship has sailed. With less than five months until the elections this November, it’s highly unlikely anything will happen in Joe Biden’s favor to make Americans view him differently.

The latest numbers are that he’s at his all-time low right now, with only one third of Americans saying they overall “approve” or have a generally favorable opinion of the Biden administration right now. That’s an average, too. Some polls say he’s really in the low thirties or high twenties. Over the full length of his presidency thus far, his approval ratings have been about as “good” as Jimmy Carter’s were. Carter is remembered as one of the worst presidents of all time.

A huge reason why this has been the case has been the border crisis and immigration crisis issue that Americans are just getting sick of. Americans are generally tired of politicians doing nothing that actually addresses real issues. Democrats, in particular, are being heavily criticized by the general population right now for their ignorant approach to the issues plaguing America’s immigration system.

That’s reflected in the generic ballot polls that show the Republican Party fares far, far better than the average Democrat on curbing illegal immigration and bringing more order to the immigration system in general. Even Democrats are distancing themselves from Joe Biden’s lackadaisical approach to immigration.

In fact, Joe Biden’s approval from the average American voter is now worse on the immigration issue than his general approval ratings. Meaning, Americans really don’t like how he’s handling the border or illegal immigration. Not one bit.

Americans Disapprove of President Biden’s Immigration Policies, Survey Finds

A recent Economist/YouGov poll reveals that less than half of Americans are satisfied with President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration. The survey, released on Wednesday, indicates that only 29% of respondents approve of the president’s immigration policies. In contrast, over 60% disapprove, with 47% expressing strong disapproval.

Immigration emerged as a critical issue for Americans, ranking second only to inflation in importance. It surpassed other significant concerns such as jobs and the economy, health care, climate change, and taxes. The poll also highlighted a divided perspective on the impact of immigration, with 28% of respondents believing it makes the country better off, while 38% feel it worsens the U.S. situation.

Conducted between June 9-11, the poll surveyed 1,595 adult citizens, offering a glimpse into the growing voter dissatisfaction amid the ongoing U.S.-Mexico border crisis. Previous surveys have pointed to an increasing hardline stance on immigration, with more Americans supporting measures such as mass deportations, a border wall, and detention camps for illegal immigrants awaiting removal.

Since the beginning of Biden’s presidency, Border Patrol agents have encountered nearly seven million illegal aliens attempting to enter the U.S. outside designated ports of entry, according to the latest data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

The immigration issue has also influenced legislative actions. In New York City, traditionally a Democratic stronghold, lawmakers are considering rolling back sanctuary policies that protect criminal illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, several GOP-led states have enacted laws empowering state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws.

This poll shows the pressing concerns of American voters regarding immigration and the mounting pressure on the Biden administration to address these issues effectively. But with so little time left, it’s likely too late.

In 2020, illegal immigration was largely taken out of the debate with the pandemic panic taking up so much of the attention of the nation. It was an unpredictable year, to say the least. Today, Americans aren’t going to be forgiving to Joe Biden. He has to show results. There’s no hitting Donald Trump over “mishandling the pandemic” like he did in 2020 (though it’s noteworthy that Donald Trump was in the right when he predicted that the virus likely came out of a lab leak from China).

The results of the Biden administration has been violent crime devastating the nation. The most notable recent example was the horrific homicide of Laken Riley, whose life was snuffed out by an illegal immigrant.

Let’s just say the Biden administration is up the creek with no paddle, because they threw out the paddle when the Democrats declared there’s no such thing as “illegal immigration.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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