Obama official went on Fox News to give Joe Biden a serious ultimatum

There’s a real rift between Joe Biden and Barack Obama. But it just got worse.

Because an Obama official went on Fox News to deliver Joe Biden this shocking ultimatum.

The issue of illegal immigration at the southern border is a crisis that is completely out of control in the opinion of millions of Americans, no matter what political persuasion one has.

Both Democrats and Republicans alike are sounding the alarm of the problems that America continues to face as a result of illegal immigration being left unchecked. The closer you get to the Joe Biden administration though, the more and more you’ll find silence on this matter entirely.

Some Democrats who ultimately want to see Joe Biden win against the surging former Republican President Donald Trump are begging Biden to do something rather than sit on his hands for months longer.

This week, a former Barack Obama official, Jeh Johnson, went on Fox News and pleaded with Joe Biden and the Democrats to not let the “perfect be the enemy of the good.”

In other words, he wants to see something done to address the out of control southern border crisis rather than nothing in the name of impossible perfection that no one is going to agree on in Washington, D.C.

“No matter who the president is, there’s a hemispheric shift northward because of drought, famine, corruption, crime, violence, etcetera,” Mr. Johnson shared on Fox News. “And what frustrates me about this debate is a solution is at hand.”

He then went on to lament the fact that the Lankford-Sinema immigration bill got killed before it even had a chance to have a real debate in Congress.

Conservatives, however, were critical of the bill by pointing out that the bill did next to nothing to actually address the border crisis and instead gave the Democrats a bunch of amnesty wins that they wanted all along.

“The frustrating thing about our broken immigration system… there are solutions, but they are politically unobtainable because this is such a politically volatile issue,” Mr. Johnson went on to say.

“Actually, I remember having been the person who owned this problem for three years. I beg to differ. No bill is perfect,” the former Obama official added. “Let’s not [let] the perfect [be] the enemy of the good.”

Donald Trump was critical of the bill when he said it was “lunacy” during an interview he was giving over the radio. He also said the failure of the bill as a whole would be “very bad” for Senator Lankford’s career.

Interestingly, Jeh Johnson actually voiced support for Donald Trump’s idea of building and fortifying walls where necessary on the U.S. southern border with Mexico or anywhere else it is needed.

He also said he was uninterested in playing a sort of blame game on this issue because he just wants to see something accomplished rather than absolutely no progress being made.

“I’m not interested in blaming this politician or that politician. As an American citizen, I’m interested in solving the problem,” Johnson went on to say. “I’m not interested in Trump versus Biden. Who’s-to-blame.”

“Americans concerned about border security should be writing their representatives in Washington, phoning their representatives in Washington, saying, hey, there’s a solution to this problem,” the Obama official concluded. “Vote for this solution. Let’s deal with the problem. Let’s stop complaining about the issue and bickering about it.”

If Johnson is right, he has to know that Donald Trump is obviously the one with the upper hand as we head into a general election season with a rematch at the top of the bill between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Americans simply trust Donald Trump and the Republicans to address the issue of immigration way more than the radical Democrats who’d prefer to sit on their hands no matter how bad it gets in the southern states.

If you ask us, this absolutely smells of a former Obama official giving their two cents on how bad they think Joe Biden is truly doing right now. But they just glitter up their public statements to make it look like they aren’t critical of Joe Biden at all by saying they aren’t playing a “blame game.”

We all know Democrats love to play a fun blame game, especially when it comes to Donald Trump. They’ve been blaming him for everything as if he’s responsible for anything bad that’s ever happened to America from Pearl Harbor to 9/11.

So not playing the “blame game” isn’t a real excuse. They just don’t want to come out and admit that Joe Biden’s been atrocious on this issue. There’s no way around it.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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