Chuck Schumer made one threat that has Republicans totally furious

Schumer has never liked playing by the rules. But this warning is beyond the pale.

And now Chuck Schumer made one threat that has Republicans totally furious.

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer said Wednesday that Democrats will have a greater chance of overturning the filibuster next year to push through a liberal agenda.

Arizona independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III, the Democratic Caucus’ most vocal opponents of modifying the chamber’s long-standing 60-vote threshold, are not seeking reelection and will leave Congress in January at the conclusion of their tenure.

“When people attempt — courts or legislators — to take away voting rights, particularly of the most disenfranchised people, we have an obligation to do everything we can to restore those voting rights,” Mr. Schumer, New York Democrat, told reporters when prompted about the filibuster.

Ending the filibuster also depends on Senate Democrats retaining their razor-thin majority in the November elections.

For years, Democrats have tried to push through new voting rights legislation in Congress, using the issue as a rallying cry to end the filibuster and allow bills to pass with a simple majority.

However, with a difficult road map to maintain chamber control in autumn, Senate Democrats are unlikely to get another opportunity to amend Senate rules anytime soon.

Other Democrats, such as Illinois Majority Whip Dick Durbin, might potentially stymie repeal efforts since they support filibuster “reform” but not necessarily its elimination.

Republicans have encountered similar challenges in the past.

And this is the problem with the way Democrats like Chuck Schumer play the game.

If the rules lead to them losing, then it’s “fundamentally unfair.”

But if Republicans lose the game, then the Democrats won fair and square.

It’s not just the filibuster, too.

Way back during the 2000 election, Democrats cried on every major news network that the election was stolen from Al Gore.

Some in Congress even said Bush was not a legitimate president.

They did the same thing to Trump in 2016. But then in 2020, any hint of questioning surrounding the results was treated as treason and “disinformation.”

What they don’t care about is why the rules are put in place to begin with.

In the case of the filibuster, can anyone really argue that a razor-thin split in Congress is a mandate to pass major legislation?

No! That’s why the filibuster is there. You need the support of a vast majority of America before you can go changing everything.

But they don’t care about what the American people want. They’ve made that crystal clear.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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