U.S. congressman evacuated due to this violent threat

Authorities are on alert. And there’s no telling how bad it could be.

And a U.S. congressman was evacuated due to this violent threat.

Rep. Cory Mills, R-Florida, assisted in the evacuation of a group of Americans from Haiti, making it the third time a rescue was made of U.S. nationals during a foreign crisis under the Biden administration.

“I am proud to report that my team and I were successful in evacuating [and] rescuing a trapped and at-risk group of Americans from Have Faith Orphanage in Haiti last night,” Mills was quoted as saying by Fox News Digital.

“This mission reiterates a disturbing reality under President Biden’s leadership: American lives are continually jeopardized,” Mills said.

“I have led missions to rescue Americans multiple times when Joe Biden has deserted them.”

“There’s a clear pattern of abandonment,” Mills said, citing his rescue missions in Afghanistan following the U.S. military drawdown in 2021 and the rescue of Americans from Israel in late 2023.

“Yet again, this group was left behind by Biden and his State Department after requesting their help in-country.”

The ten Americans evacuated from Haiti worked at the Have Faith Orphanage in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.

The U.S. military sent Marines to Haiti over the weekend at the State Department’s request to strengthen security at the U.S. Embassy, and flew out non-essential staff – such as diplomats’ families – who had remained after being ordered to evacuate last summer.

The State Department earlier informed Fox News Digital that it would continue to watch the situation and examine its options, including deploying forces to assist with security at the U.S. Embassy.

“We have no higher priority than the safety and security of US citizens overseas,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson said, adding, “The US Embassy remains open with limited staffing and will continue to provide assistance to US citizens as necessary.”

In a briefing on Tuesday, State Department spokesperson Matt Miller stated that he did not have a solid estimate of the overall number of Americans left in Haiti who are attempting to flee.

“US citizens wishing to depart Port-au-Prince should monitor local news and information on security conditions from commercial transportation providers and should arrange to leave Haiti when security conditions and commercial transportation options permit doing so,” the spokesperson explained.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said the U.S. “welcomed” the decision made by Caribbean leaders during a meeting in Jamaica that saw Haitian Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry resign in order to facilitate a transitional presidential council and a new leader who could better deal with the country’s massive unrest and violence.

“The government that I’m running cannot remain insensitive in this situation. There is no sacrifice that is too big for our country,” Henry said in a recorded statement. “The government I’m running will remove itself immediately after the installation of the council.”

Sullivan also stated that “ultimately, decisions about Haiti should be made by the Haitian people,” and praised Henry’s departure for prioritizing “the best interests of the Haitian people.”

He went on to say that negotiations about operations and relief to Haiti have been positive and encouraging, with officials “hopeful” that Kenya’s police coalition from Eastern Africa will eventually arrive to help bring order to the island nation.

The Jamaica conference agreed to grant $100 million to Kenya’s police coalition and $33 million in further aid.

Sullivan stated that while the leaders agreed to various contingencies, the current agreed-upon actions remain the major focus.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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