The writing on the walls is awful for the Left. They know it and Republicans know it.
And a Democrat scheme to replace Joe Biden was exposed and the DNC is losing its mind.
The Democratic National Committee might formally nominate both candidates in a virtual vote before the August 19-22 convention in Chicago, securing the ticket amid inter-party hysteria.
The talk of replacing Mr. Biden has intensified in response to falling poll numbers that show him losing every battleground state, as well as near-daily examples of the 81-year-old president appearing cognitively confused and physically frail.
Some advise that Democrats improve the ticket by removing Ms. Harris and replacing her with Hillary Clinton. The party’s 2016 presidential nominee is still significantly more popular among Democrats than the vice president.
“Inarguably, a significant obstacle to a Biden win is Kamala Harris, whose low popularity has not been improved by her lackluster performance as vice president,” Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker wrote.
The DNC is developing a nominating procedure that will make a Biden-Harris switcheroo nearly impossible by the time delegates gather in Chicago.
Earlier this month, the DNC proposed approving the Biden-Harris ticket’s nomination nearly a month before the convention began.
Party leaders launched the move when it looked that Ohio would not extend its August 7 filing deadline for presidential candidates to appear on the ballot, making Mr. Biden’s nomination at the Chicago convention too late.
The filing date in Ohio has since been postponed to September 1, but Democrats say they do not trust the Republican-controlled state legislature and governor and are proceeding with a virtual nomination.
The DNC has not provided a date for the virtual roll call.
Josh Putnam, a party rules expert and the CEO of FHQ Strategies LLC, a nonpartisan political consulting firm, said a virtual vote would have to wait until after July 13, when Indiana Democrats choose convention delegates. Mr. Putnam stated that the virtual vote may be more of a backup strategy at this stage.
“The party was simultaneously creating some insurance but also buying themselves some time to figure out the particulars of any would-be virtual vote, including the timing,” Mr. Putnam said.
A virtual vote would solidify the Biden-Harris ticket and prevent a convention floor fight over the incumbents’ chances of reelection.
Democrats are planning a virtual endorsement for Mr. Biden, despite tales of behind-the-scenes fear among top Democrats and plans to replace him with a younger, more viable candidate who has a greater chance of defeating former President Donald Trump.
Nate Silver, who aggregates and analyzes electoral surveys, said that Mr. Biden’s popularity rating fell to 37.4% this month, a record low for the president.
“Dropping out would be a big risk,” Mr. Silver posted on X.
“But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.”
Now that Democrats have paved the way for online nominations, they may seek to alter the ticket electronically — maybe if Mr. Biden performs poorly in the June 27 presidential debate, where he will confront Mr. Trump for the first time since 2020.
However, party officials have not hinted at selecting anyone other than Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris, either online or in person.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.