Donald Trump scares Joe Biden into looking over his shoulder for what’s awaiting him

Former President Trump has Biden where he wants him. It has Joe nervous.

As Donald Trump has scared Joe Biden into looking over his shoulder for the massive surprise awaiting him.

Even before the debate and assassination attempt news that has dominated the media attention, the reality is that Joe Biden was losing support amongst key demographics who are traditionally reliably Democrat voters. These, of course, include the black vote, the Hispanic vote, and the youth vote.

All of these voting blocs have been shifting in Donald Trump’s favor, more so than any Republican could have dreamed of in the past forty years. The shift has been so cataclysmic that the national popular vote of Hispanic voters is up in the air. Donald Trump could win a majority of those voters over Joe Biden. That’s astounding to think about.

Joe Biden and company were playing it cool before his presidential debate. They were even playing it cool after his debate. Maybe they would try to play it cool even after Trump’s fame has reached sky-scraper levels after the assassination attempt? Well, not anymore.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are now having to look over their shoulders and try to pick up the pieces of their terrible campaign strategy, starting with courting the black voters once again. No longer can they afford ignoring black voters and taking them for granted.

Joe Biden’s Tour To Convince Black Voters

The incumbent president is set to appear at an economic summit alongside Democrat U.S. Representative Steven Horsford (Nevada), who is the current chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

This appearance will come after he’s already made rounds to appear in front of black voters, like his appearance at the NAACP National Convention where he gave a speech about “radical justice” and his idea of “equity.”

Joe Biden and company are clearly nervous about the inroads that Donald Trump has made. Usually, Democrats in national elections will ignore black voters because they expect them to vote Democrat no matter what. This has been a reality for decades upon decades now.

Sometimes they even admit it, like Joe Biden himself did when he said to a black man that if he wasn’t voting for him over Donald Trump, he wasn’t “black”. He said this was just a “joke,” but he really meant it. It’s ironic he wants to lecture the nation about racism but he’s the presidential candidate with one of the most racist comments ever since Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Biden-Harris campaign has even admitted in a statement that they are specifically going after those voters this time around, and it’s not just because they feel like it. It’s because of their terrible polling.

“Our campaign believes that Black voters deserve to hear from Team Biden-Harris, and they deserve to have their vote earned, not assumed,” the Biden-Harris campaign officials have shared with reporters in a statement.

Donald Trump’s Historic Gains With Minority Voters

The Left is trying to play damage control concerning the success Donald Trump has had with the black vote in polls and surveys over the past few months. They say that Donald Trump has no shot at carrying the majority of the black vote in 2024 or ever. That’s ignoring reality, though.

While it’s true that Donald Trump likely won’t sniff 50% of the black vote in the presidential election, the point is that he’s almost certainly going to outperform any Republican since Reagan in the 1980s. It’s the shift that should scare Democrats to death.

Independent pollsters and surveys conducted by Bloomberg suggest he may perform better than any Republican on a national scale has ever performed in American history. That’s truly astounding.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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