Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley won’t give up the GOP race. She’s determined to beat Trump.
But her latest campaign report has raised everyone’s eyebrows.
Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign is an interesting one, no doubt. She’s far behind Donald Trump in all the major polls, and is simply not holding a candle to the former president in any of the primaries thus far.
Sure, anything can change, but one has to wonder what she has to gain by continuing to run a campaign that is seemingly dead. Others have asked a maybe more interesting question: who is she working for?
Well a new campaign report is shedding some light on Nikki Haley and her presidential bid, and conservatives aren’t going to like it.
Thousands of donors who gave to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign are donating to the campaign of former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, according to Politico’s Wednesday report on the Haley campaign.
With $11.5 million in donations and over $13 million in the bank going into February, the Republican had her greatest month financially in January. According to Politico’s analysis of Haley’s Federal Election Commission (FEC) report released Tuesday evening, the candidate has received over 5,200 contributions from former Biden supporters, with almost 1,600 of them contributing more than $500,000 in January.
Given the rarity of such crossover contributors and Haley’s candidacy for the Republican nomination — from which she may face Biden in the general election – Politico deemed the trend noteworthy.
Nevertheless, according to the source, Republicans continue to provide the majority of Haley’s money for her campaign.
As reported by the publication, the filing revealed that Haley’s campaign spent $13.1 million in January and included names of contributors who contributed at least $200. This season, Haley has received 123,000 contributions from large gift donors including over 55,000 last month.
Lapsed Republicans, Biden Voters — Here Are The People Who Showed Up To Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire Rally https://t.co/RWKlrFYEM4
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 24, 2024
The Federal Election Commission reports that in January, Trump’s campaign received $8.8 million, whereas Biden’s received $15.7 million. Even though Biden had $56 million as of the beginning of February, the former president had $30.5 million, and his campaign spent around $5.8 million more than Biden’s.
Those who identified as moderates or liberals overwhelmingly backed Haley in the January 23 New Hampshire primary. Additionally, 86% of Democrats and only 25% of Republicans voted for the former governor.
Because South Carolina does not require voters to indicate their political affiliation when registering, Democrats have a better chance of voting in the Republican primary. The RealClearPolitics (RCP) average has Haley almost 25 points behind Trump in the polls, just before Saturday’s primary in her home state.
In Nevada, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Iowa, and New Hampshire, Trump cruised to victory. Despite not competing for delegates, Haley finished third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and last in Nevada’s primary, when she was defeated by the “None of The Above” option.
Nikki Haley’s support from Democrats in donations and at the ballot box has many conservatives concerned that she would be easily swayed by those on the Left if she were to win the White House.
For the most part, the Republican party voting base is sick and tired of the Bush family, the Romney-types, and weak Republicans who won’t stand up for true conservative values when the going gets tough.
That’s how America has, for the most part, had its institutions completely taken over by the radical Left and how they’ve moved America further to the Left every single year. Even some Democrats are starting to look like better Republicans than the likes of Mitt Romney.
Nikki Haley being another RINO President would be a disaster, no doubt. Luckily for Trump supporters, the former president is clearly in the driver’s seat and it would take something extremely dramatic to happen to change that, which you can never rule out given the wild world we live in.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.