Ron DeSantis’ wife just got attacked in the most brutal way possible

Ron DeSantis

The political atmosphere is as hot as ever. But a line was just crossed.

Because Ron DeSantis’ wife has been attacked in the most brutal way you won’t believe.

Look, it’s understandable that the political world has only been getting hotter and hotter over the last 10 years.

One side believes that kids should be allowed to attend drag queen shows at bars, while the other finds that unconscionable.

One side wants abortion to be legal through all nine months of a pregnancy for any reason whatsoever, while the other thinks there should at least be some restrictions on the abortion of an innocent baby in the womb.

Obviously there’s some severe differences in our country that aren’t going to just resolve themselves without a little bit of conflict.

But there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, and that’s making unwarranted attacks aimed at the families of those in the public space.

Sometimes, it’s warranted. Just look at Hunter Biden, for example. The Biden family has brought this on themselves by having their laundry out in the open for everyone to see.

But recently, Ron DeSantis’ wife, Casey, was just brutally attacked by the media as a “paranoid” and “vindictive” woman who will be the downfall of Ron DeSantis.

Politico published a piece that tried to paint a picture of Casey DeSantis as someone with a few loose screws who Ron DeSantis shouldn’t actually trust.

They included quotes that refer to Casey as a “Lady Macbeth” sort of character who will advise her husband to make the worst decisions.

In the article, Politico quotes a former disgruntled DeSantis administration staffer who said that “she is more paranoid than he is” and another former campaign staffer who said that she is a “vindictive motherf***er.”

The article goes on to give the idea that Casey is the one who voters are really voting for and that Ron DeSantis is just a puppet for the Casey DeSantis puppet master.

Politico even gave Casey and Ron a nickname of “DeSanti” to continue peddling this ridiculous notion that Casey is just as much the Governor of Florida as Ron.

Obviously these attacks are unwarranted and serve as just a way to attack the DeSantis family who has done nothing but try their best to defend the American way of life in America.

Of course that’s going to get you some enemies, but calling Casey a “paranoid” “vindictive motherf***er” is going way, way too far.

Say what you want about Ron or Casey DeSantis, but leave the childish games at the door.

Casey DeSantis literally survived a very real cancer scare that threatened her life, and she’s done nothing but shine the spotlight on her husband throughout the entire way.

Ron DeSantis saying that his wife is his “most significant and valued supporter” is endearing and shouldn’t be the negative that Politico is trying to make it out to be.

Based on everything we know about the DeSantis family, they are a marriage worth admiring because they get it right.

Everyone else who doesn’t like a traditional, supportive marriage can go live a miserable lonely life.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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