Jill Biden’s “work husband” accused of sickening crime

The White House is in an uproar. And now someone’s going to jail.

Because Jill Biden’s “work husband” was accused of a sickening crime.

A top Biden White House official has tormented and verbally s*xually harassed coworkers for more than a decade, but he is regarded “untouchable” since first lady Jill Biden considers him her “work husband.”

Anthony Bernal, the first lady’s top adviser with immense clout in both White House operations and Democratic politics, has often commented in the workplace about colleagues’ p*nis sizes, according to three sources with firsthand knowledge.

Two people said Bernal, 50, communicated with them an idea that the size of a person’s thumb corresponds to the size of their g*nitalia, referencing the hypothesis both at the White House and in previous capacities during President Biden’s campaign and vice presidential administration under President Barack Obama.

“It is to make people uncomfortable and to have power over them,” said one source who told The New York Post they heard Bernal make the crude remarks over several years while they worked together.

“It is Me Too — classic Me Too,” the source added.

A second source stated that Bernal “often” speculated inside the White House about the endowments of fellow political aides and even Secret Service agents.

A third source described a nasty “jab” during a professional quarrel in which Bernal claimed a colleague had a small p*nis, as well as a subsequent interaction in which the top assistant “remarked on another staffer’s b*lge in his khakis.”

The third former coworker stated that each of these occurrences occurred prior to Biden’s administration.

“It was a lot of inappropriate remarks — talking about other people’s attractiveness and speculating about their s*x lives at very weird moments,” the person said, adding that he had come to see “that’s actually s*xual harassment.”

Meanwhile, four people say Bernal has speculated loudly in the workplace about colleagues’ s*xuality, including at the White House, in a way that has made others uncomfortable.

“I have heard him say inappropriate things about people’s s*xuality or pry inappropriately into people’s personal lives,” one former co-worker recalled of Bernal, who is openly gay.

“I heard him ask if people are gay all the time.”

Another source who has worked with Bernal said, “I could think of more than one instance where he pontificated on whether someone was gay or not or said, ‘They are definitely gay.’”

The sources, who had varied degrees of terrible personal experiences with Bernal, said they were coming out to hold him accountable for what they characterize as a long history of bullying.

Some insiders also believe it is “hypocritical” for Biden to have Bernal on his staff when the president promised on his first day in office to terminate aides “on the spot” if he learns they had exhibited “disrespect” to others in their professional conduct.

“It reflects poorly on the president and the first lady,” stated one of the sources who described the verbal abuse.

“They talk a big game about integrity, decency, and kindness but when you work for the Bidens, you experience anything but that,” said another former White House adviser, who, like other sources, asked for anonymity in order to speak candidly and for fear of retaliation.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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