Kerry has been in politics much longer than he should’ve been. Now he’s rolling over for America’s enemies.
And John Kerry betrayed America with one shocking slip of the tongue.
Outgoing Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry stated that people would “feel better” about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine if Russia would “make a greater effort to reduce emissions.”
“If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now,” Kerry said during a foreign press briefing on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., his last as the SPEC before leaving the position Wednesday to reportedly join President Biden’s presidential re-election campaign.
“Maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time,” Mr. Kerry said.
Kerry’s comments came when a Russian news agency reporter, Igor Naimushin, questioned him about the United States’ relationship with Russia on his climate agenda.
“I believe that Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it really wanted to. I mean, if Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue,” Kerry said.
“And unfortunately, because of the actions that Russia took in an unprovoked, illegal war against another nation, we have not been engaged in discussions with Russia, sadly,” he went on to say.
“I say ‘sadly’ because it’s a loss for the world not to be able to have Russia acting constructively on this issue.”
Kerry’s statements were the latest example of him warning about the climate change consequences of a war in Ukraine.
Kerry has already faced criticism for claiming that higher global greenhouse gas emissions are a crucial result of the continuing Ukraine war, which began with Russia’s invasion last year.
“Lots of parts of the world are exacerbating the problem right now, but when you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etcetera, you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, methane, all of the family of greenhouse gasses and the result is it’s adding to the problem,” Kerry said in an interview with MSNBC on July 20, 2023.
Shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Kerry expressed alarm to several media sources about future war conflict emissions.
“Equally, importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus,” Kerry told the BBC in February of 2022.
“You’re going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted, and I think it could have a damaging impact. Hopefully [Russian President Vladimir Putin] would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on 66% of a nation that was over frozen land. Now, it’s thawing.”
“I am concerned in terms of the climate efforts that a war is the last thing you need with respect to a united effort to try to deal with the climate challenge,” Kerry told Reuters in a separate interview that same day.
“Obviously, we hope that we can compartmentalize, but it’s just made that much more difficult without any question.”
In 2021, Biden appointed Kerry as the United States SPEC, a position that did not previously exist and did not require Senate approval.
Kerry traveled the world, attending high-profile climate meetings and diplomatic engagements in an effort to accelerate the global transition from fossil fuels to green energy options.
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