For decades, the Democrats looked to the Supreme Court to legislate from the bench. That’s changed since the High Court’s addition of three conservative Justices.
But Justice Clarence Thomas turned red with rage after hearing what Gavin Newsom just ordered him to do.
For many years, Clarence Thomas argued that the Second Amendment was given second-class treatment by the Supreme Court.
That changed a year ago when the Supreme Court determined that gun control regulations must be consistent with the nation’s history and custom of defending Second Amendment rights.
Gavin Newsom, a Democrat and governor of California, utilized the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment decision to pave the groundwork for yet another significant abortion debate.
And now Newsom might realize his goal.
A state bill that would have allowed Californians to sue gun manufacturers for murders caused by so-called “assault rifles” was thrown out by California U.S. District Court Judge Roger Benitez. The law was fashioned after a Texas abortion statute.
The Texas and California statutes, according to Judge Benitez, are “unconstitutional” and “abominations.”
“It is cynical. It is an abomination. It is outrageous and objectionable. There is no dispute that it raises serious constitutional questions. It is an unprecedented attempt to thwart judicial review,” Judge Benitez wrote.
The Texas statute, which offered individuals the ability to sue for up to $10,000 against abortionists and medical professionals who conducted abortions after six weeks, was previously approved for implementation by the Supreme Court.
Despite Judge Benitez’s complaints that the Texas statute was unconstitutional, she insisted that this was not the issue at hand.
“Whether these distinctions are enough to save the Texas law fee-shifting provision from judicial scrutiny remains to be seen,” Benitez wrote. “And although it would be tempting to comment on it, the Texas law is not before this Court for determination.”
Governor Newsom applauded Judge Benitez for overturning the California gun control bill following the decision, stating that it would help pave the way for a Supreme Court case challenging the Texas abortion statute.
“I want to thank Judge Benitez. We have been saying all along that Texas’ anti-abortion law is outrageous. Judge Benitez just confirmed it is also unconstitutional,” Newsom added. “The provision in California’s law that he struck down is a replica of what Texas did, and his explanation of why this part of SB 1327 unfairly blocks access to the courts applies equally to Texas’ SB 8. There is no longer any doubt that Texas’ cruel anti-abortion law should also be struck down.”
Newsom thinks he’s won a “gotcha” over pro-life and pro-gun conservatives, but he truly doesn’t.
In Texas, abortions after six weeks have been outlawed, so it stands to reason that individuals who choose to break the law by performing abortions should be held accountable, at least with lawsuits of up to $10,000 as the Texas law allows.
But gun manufacturers are not breaking the law by making guns that end up being used in homicides or other violent crimes.
The gun manufacturers themselves did nothing wrong while Texas abortionists who violate state law have.
It’s truly as simple as that.
Gavin Newsom doesn’t care about these facts. He just wants to use this to score political points with his radical Leftist base.
But no amount of intimidation tactics is going to work on the likes of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.