The White House is in chaos after being tied to this terrorist group

Joe Biden and his administration don’t have this country’s interests at heart. Instead, they’re being caught in backroom deals with the worst of the worst.

And now the White House is in chaos after being tied to this terrorist group.

On Monday, the White House denied allegations in The Times of Israel and Washington Post that it is providing Israel with “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of Hamas officials if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declines to launch a full-scale invasion of Rafah.

President Biden has recently warned Israel against entering the southern Gaza city, threatening to withhold ammunition supply if an invasion occurs.

According to four persons familiar with the issue, the administration is giving information on Hamas tunnels and officials’ hideouts in exchange for Israel’s withdrawal.

A spokeswoman for the National Security Council told Fox News Digital that the U.S. continues to assist the IDF in targeting Hamas officials.

“[T]hat work continues on an ongoing basis. We’re not holding anything back,” the official said.

“We believe [Hamas chief Yahya] Sinwar should and indeed must be held accountable for the horrors of the October 7 attack.”

Victoria Coates, a former Trump National Security Council official, told Fox News Digital late Monday that intelligence cooperation is the “bedrock of our security partnership with Israel.”

“It’s unique and extremely sophisticated, and if one partner is not fulfilling their obligations, it calls the whole thing into question,” Coates stated.

“So, if the administration has information on Hamas leadership, which… still holds eight Americans — five alive and three dead in Gaza — and isn’t sharing that with the Israelis and hasn’t shared it with the Israelis, this is deeply troubling.”

Coates, who is now the vice president of the Heritage Foundation’s national security and foreign policy institute, stated that if the allegation is accurate, it portrays the Biden administration as playing a “political game” rather than a war for the survival of the Jewish State.

When challenged about claims that the Biden administration has been politicizing the Israel problem, Coates cited Biden’s need to gain the youth vote, which she portrayed as being more pro-Palestinian than any other age group in the United States.

“That’s what elected Biden in 2020 and staved off the red wave in 2022. So they know they need the 18-to-24 group. And what’s been revealed over the last six months is that group is strongly pro-Palestinian, if not overtly pro Hamas,” she said.

“And so I think that’s actually the demographic they’re pandering to.”

Ric Grenell, Trump’s intelligence chief and ambassador to Germany, termed the president’s actions an “impeachable offense.”

“Let’s be clear, Joe Biden is using U.S. intelligence as a weapon to first demand help from Israel to win Michigan — when he should be providing every piece of intel we have in order to bring the American hostages held by Hamas home,” Grenell said on X, formerly Twitter.

Meanwhile, Fox News radio personality Guy Benson described the allegation as “surreal.”

According to the Post, Biden and senior aides have reportedly offered to help build food delivery networks and shelter for Palestinians who have been evacuated from Rafah.

The White House has attempted to persuade Israel to execute just targeted strikes within Rafah rather than the tack threatened by Jerusalem, as well as to offer Israel more detailed information assistance in the hopes that it will deter massive offensives.

In an interview with CBS News on Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the U.S. government had the same goals as Israel.

“We want to make sure that Hamas cannot govern Gaza again,” Blinken stated.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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