The modern Democrat Party is extremely vindictive. They will go after anyone who dares to cross them.
And now a U.S. Senate “hit list” has leaked with names that will shock you.
If there’s one issue that has the radical Left most upset right now, it’s the rulings coming from the Supreme Court right now.
The U.S. Supreme Court has handed the radical Left some extremely devastating losses.
Just consider how in the last year we have seen Affirmative Action declared unconstitutional, Roe v. Wade effectively overturned by the Dobbs ruling, and Joe Biden’s socialist student loan “forgiveness plan” struck down.
Of course, the vast majority of Americans believe that these are wins. But the loonies on the Left can’t stand the fact that rational jurisprudence has been brought back to the U.S. Supreme Court.
As a result, the Democrats in Congress are relentlessly going after the Supreme Court in an attempt to delegitimize the High Court.
Why are the Democrats trying to do that? Just look at their recent attempts to bring the Supreme Court under their control with arbitrary “ethics rules” that would be decided on by the legislative branch.
Everyone with half of a brain can see the danger in that, however. Congress shouldn’t be able to effectively control the highest court in the judicial branch at their whim.
Recently, two Democrats in the Senate tried to go after the Supreme Court by targeting a legal expert, Leonard Leo. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) demanded Leonard Leo turn over any information he has about the Supreme Court Justice’s personal lives involving travel and personal gifts.
Leonard Leo did not comply with the demand from Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Dick Durbin citing his First Amendment rights to free speech and free association.
Naturally, this truly angered the Democrats. But another top legal expert has come to Leonard Leo’s defense.
Carrie Severino, the President of the Judicial Crisis Network, took to Twitter to defend Leo and made a surprising claim about Senators Whitehouse and Durbin.
Severino said that Whitehouse and Durbin are going after Leonard Leo because of his political beliefs, which have put Leo on their “enemies list.”
“Senators Whitehouse and Durbin don’t like anything about Leonard Leo’s political views, and that’s why he’s a top target on their ‘enemies list,'” Severino tweeted.
Senators Whitehouse and Durbin don't like anything about Leonard Leo's political views, and that's why he's a top target on their "enemies list."
Their modern-day McCarthyism is an attempt to punish and silence Leo and anyone who agrees with him.
It's not going to work. https://t.co/1jB66vYESA
— Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) July 25, 2023
Obviously, the “enemies list” comment is going to raise a ton of alarm bells.
It’s unclear whether Severino has any specific intel about Democrats keeping an internal “enemies list” of people to go after.
But it certainly wouldn’t surprise. The Democrats can be so incredibly vengeful, it stands to reason that the Democrats know who they want to use the weight of the federal government to go after next.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.