Chuck Schumer will scream in horror when he reads this writing on the wall

Chuck Schumer

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has been enjoying his time in the sun. But his days are numbered.

Because this writing on the wall will cause Chuck Schumer to scream in horror.

There’s no escaping the simple reality that Republicans underperformed in the 2022 midterm election cycle.

Republicans were poised to take back both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate from the Democrat Party, and in convincing fashion as the many polls and odds showed in the months leading up to November 2022.

But the Republicans only gained a small U.S. House majority and ended up giving up yet another seat in the Senate to the Democrats to enjoy for their majority.

That being said, it wasn’t the win the Democrats were trying to make it out to be. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in particular paraded around for weeks claiming that the Republicans were utterly defeated and that the future of America looked bluer than a blueberry.

In fact, even though the Democrats gained a U.S. Senate seat, they haven’t been able to do anything with it at all. Kirsten Sinema from Arizona announced that she was leaving the Democrat Party, Joe Manchin of West Virginia almost never sides with the Democrats on major issues, and several Democrat votes have been in and out of the office due to health issues.

One of the Senators in and out of their office due to health concerns is none other than Democrat John Fetterman from Pennsylvania.

Fetterman simply hasn’t been able to keep up. He’s hardly a participating member of the Congressional Upper Chamber even when he does show up and he’s not in the hospital dealing with the impact of his major stroke from 2022.

And apparently the people of Pennsylvania are not happy about that one bit. In the short six months since Fetterman’s inauguration in January, Fetterman has completely tanked his job approval ratings.

According to a new Quinnipac poll, Fetterman’s job approval ratings are almost as bad as President Joe Biden’s in the state of Pennsylvania, which are also seriously under water. Less than 40% of polled individuals say they approve of Fetterman’s job so far.

Townhall reports:

A whopping 50 percent of Keystone State voters disapprove of Fetterman’s job performance, while just 39 percent approve. Biden has a worse approval rating in the state, with 57 percent of Pennsylvanians disapproving of his job as president, while only 39 percent support it.

Look, we understand that John Fetterman wants to stick with the “simple guy” shtick that, frankly, got him where he’s at now.

But it doesn’t help his case that he’s constantly being photographed in casual clothes in settings where he should probably be dressed a least a little bit more appropriately.

Absolutely, the stuffy nature of Washington, D.C. needs to go. The Founding Fathers did not have the idea of U.S. Capitol politicians being disconnected from reality and unrecognizable from the average American.

That being said… would it really kill Fetterman to do away with the loungewear while he’s introducing the U.S. President?

It simply doesn’t give Pennsylvanians any confidence in Fetterman at all, especially not in light of the fact that Fetterman is trying to recover from his many health issues that stem from his stroke.

Fetterman doing so poorly in the polls is particularly bad news for Chuck Schumer because he is going to have an extremely tough time defending the many Democrat seats that are up in the 2024 election cycle.

The writing on the wall is that Americans aren’t exactly happy about the fact that the Democrats gained another seat and they’ve done next to nothing with it. Instead, they’d rather defend their politicians who are doing nothing at all like John Fetterman and Dianne Feinstein.

If Republicans regain Senate control, Schumer’s time in the spotlight will be short-lived. And something tells us that the history books won’t exactly remember him as a very good leader either.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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