Politics has been getting hotter and hotter every year. No one could have expected it to get this bad though.
Because Congress has received one piece of mail that has everyone on edge.
A man from New York admitted to the charges brought against him after leaving numerous threatening voicemails on Georgia’s Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s voicemail in 2022.
According to Business Insider, the caller left his name spelt out and his phone number.
According to a statement from the Justice Department, Joseph Morelli, 51, of Endicott, New York, entered a guilty plea on Wednesday.
Morelli made seven calls to Greene’s Washington office over the course of two days in March 2022, according to the affidavit used to prosecute him.
According to the affidavit, Morelli started a further call by leaving his name and contact information.
The document states that threats were made against law enforcement if they handled any complaints over the calls.
Days after the voicemails were left in March of last year, according to court records, prosecutors filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York.
Prosecutors claimed before a judge last month that the man had a history of making harassing and threatening calls, including to a city judge in the area and the attorney defending his wife in a custody battle.
The judge permitted Morelli to continue to be released on home confinement until his sentence on June 1 despite the prosecution’s request to have him remanded into custody before that date.
Morelli was given better treatment than others who took part in the Capitol Invasion, according to Greene, who spoke to The New York Post.
“A man pleads guilty for planning to kill me or paying someone to do it. Now he’s at home, able to do it while awaiting sentencing. But a guy who sat at Pelosi’s desk faces 20 years & people who walked into the Capitol on J6 are rotting in jail pretrial,” Greene said.
“The press keeps asking me about threats against Rep. Omar, but none of them knew about this guilty plea for a threat against my life. Multiple people who want to kill me have been arrested, but the DC media doesn’t report it,” Greene said.
“It’s two-tiered justice and two-tiered coverage.”
According to a statement from the Justice Department, Morelli could spend up to five years in jail, pay a $250,000 fine, and serve three years on probation.
Morelli’s attorney, Gabrielle DiBella, and his legal counsel has argued that sending the man to prison would be “retributive and punitive.”
DiBella argues that he’s been totally “compliant” and is seeking “mental health treatment.”
“Joe is still engaged in mental health treatment and is still on home detention and location monitoring as required by the Court. He continues to be fully compliant with all conditions of release,” Gabrielle DiBella told the media.
According to the sentencing guidelines, he may receive a term of up to five years in jail and a $250,000 fine, but prosecutors’ court filing suggests that if they give him credit for taking responsibility, he might only receive a sentence of 10 to 16 months.
No one in their right mind leaves an extremely threatening voicemail for a U.S. Congressmember to the point that it reaches a criminal offense.
As such, Morelli should be held accountable for his actions and not given an easy sentence just because he’s now “complying.”
This is a prime example of how leftist violence and extremism is going unpunished in many cases and Leftists are being emboldened because of that.
If a conservative did the same thing to a Democrat congressmember, do you think they’d be getting off easily? We certainly don’t think so.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.