Democrat Rep. loses his mind on the House floor for one ridiculous reason

The Left is becoming more and more deranged. But this takes the cake.

Because a Democrat Rep. lost his mind on the House floor for one ridiculous reason.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) once again showcased his penchant for theatrics, this time over a harmless meme shared by House Judiciary Committee Republicans.

The meme, featuring former President Donald Trump hugging a cat and a duck, referenced reports about Haitian migrants allegedly overwhelming an Ohio town and reportedly taking ducks from a local park to eat.

Another unconfirmed report claimed a migrant woman had k*lled and eaten a cat.

The meme’s caption, “Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!” clearly hit a nerve with Swalwell, who exploded into a dramatic tirade on the House floor, scolding Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) for what he claimed were “debunked” stories.

Swalwell, waving his hand as if his indignation could somehow erase the meme, shouted:

“What in the hell is this? The Chairman tweets, ‘protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio’ because he goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked, that aliens are eating pets?”

His over-the-top response only made his frustration more evident, as though he couldn’t believe anyone would dare question the actions of migrants.

After a performative pause, burying his face in his hands, Swalwell’s voice escalated in both pitch and absurdity.

He desperately tried to connect the meme to past controversies, mentioning Kanye West and completely losing sight of the real issue at hand.

“My God. Are you okay, Mr. Chairman?” he asked dramatically, suggesting that Jordan was somehow out of touch with reality.

“I don’t know if the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now, but, Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue.”

Swalwell, clearly more interested in showboating, seemed oblivious to the fact that real victims of crime committed by illegal aliens were still waiting to be heard.


Later in the hearing, witnesses sharply criticized Democrats for focusing more on lecturing than offering real solutions, a fitting summary of Swalwell’s grandstanding performance.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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