Liz Cheney just gave Democrats a gift that you’ll never believe


Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney claims to be a conservative. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Because Liz Cheney just gave Democrats a gift that you’ll never believe.

Liz Cheney became the face of RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) during her time in Congress as a House Representative from Wyoming.

She consistently sold out her conservative colleagues for her own political benefit and exhibited just how little integrity she has.

Sadly, if you thought you wouldn’t have to hear from her anymore now that she is no longer holding office, you’d be wrong.

She’s still suffering from an intense case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and she it’s reached a new level.

In her first TV ad of the 2024 election cycle, the former Wyoming congresswoman on Tuesday warned New Hampshire voters of the “risk” of another Donald Trump president.

Cheney’s political group, Great Task PAC, paid for the 60-second advertisement, which features her narration and the line, “Donald Trump is a risk America can never take again.”

Despite the fact that she is not visible on camera in the advertisement, Cheney adds, “Donald Trump is the only president in American history who has refused to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power… There has never been a greater dereliction of duty by any president.”

The advertisement will run during the former president’s televised town hall on Wednesday at Saint Anselm College, not far from Manchester, in New Hampshire, the first GOP primary state.

Cheney was the third-ranking Republican in the House, but after repeatedly criticizing Trump following her decision to impeach him in January of that year, Cheney was ousted from her party leadership post by colleagues in 2021. Cheney later lost her seat in 2022 to Harriet Hageman, a Republican contender sponsored by Trump.

After losing the primary election in August of last year, Cheney spoke in her concession address about her ongoing efforts to stop Trump’s prospective electoral comeback.

Cheney stated that “this fight is not over; it may take many years.” “For anyone wondering about my own future, let me say this: I will do everything in my power to make sure Donald Trump is never again near the Oval Office,” she added.

Although she has not made any public statements indicating she is considering running for president, the former vice chairperson of the House’s January 6th Select Committee has not ruled it out.

Kari Lake and Mark Finchem, the Republican candidates for governor and secretary of state in Arizona, respectively, repeatedly stated that they would not have certified President Joe Biden’s victory in that state in 2020. Cheney’s group funded a $500,000 ad purchase attacking them in the 2022 midterm elections.

Liz Cheney has clearly not learned any lesson and instead continues to double down in her RINO ways.

Cheney isn’t going to just attack Donald Trump either. Should Ron DeSantis beat Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination, there’s no way Liz Cheney leaves Ron DeSantis alone during the election season.

She will most certainly attack Ron DeSantis with these multi-million dollar political ads as well. Cheney would likely only leave alone a fellow RINO like Mitt Romney.

Ultimately, it’s sad how far Cheney has fallen from grace and she refuses to learn any lesson whatsoever and instead doubles down on her madness.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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