Steve Scalise makes one threat that is worrying RINOs all over D.C.

The GOP is filled with Democrat-lite politicians. Conservatives aren’t going to stand for it anymore.

And Steve Scalise made one threat that is worrying RINOs all over D.C.

Following the departure of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) provided a rare glimpse inside the Republican effort to defeat his speaker aspirations in October.

“I know what was said,” Scalise said in an interview with Politico.

Scalise was injured in a politically motivated shooting during a Republican Congressional Baseball Game practice in 2017.

He was in severe condition and required extensive medical attention to survive the incident.

And, just this summer, the majority leader revealed that he had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer.

Scalise’s return from cancer treatment coincided with the speaker’s debate.

A matter some opponents of his candidacy raised was his health and ability to do the job. “Medical opinions that were being given out were completely false,” according to him.

Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) was one of the members accused of distributing misleading information about Scalise’s prognosis and competence.

“Yeah, it’s funny. He’ll tell people differently,” Scalise said.

“In the end, we all, you know, we all make our decisions.”

When contacted, Graves’ office declined to comment.

“You can read through the B.S. And believe me, you know, anybody who thinks that there are secrets in this town, there are not,” he cautioned.

He described how his doctor had told him after his treatment that the cancer was almost gone and that he would “live a long life.”

But then, he said, “There’s some, you know, member, unnamed member of Congress, who’s naming somebody that might not even be a doctor saying he’s going to die in six months. That’s how bad it was.”

Following a protracted speaker election series in October, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected to the position.

“Mike and I get along great,” Scalise said of the new speaker, admitting he and McCarthy didn’t get along.

Maybe now Republicans can unite for once.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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