Conservatives are sick of the Biden administration’s lawlessness. Someone has to answer for their crimes.
That’s why Ted Cruz sent this one threat that left Joe Biden sweating bullets.
Joe Biden has only been president for a little over two years, and in that time he’s managed to reverse nearly every achievement Trump accomplished.
Under Trump, Middle Eastern nations were coming to the negotiation table for peace deals; Biden oversaw the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
When Trump left office, the annual rate of inflation was 1.2%; inflation under Biden in 2022 hit over 8%, eating away at Americans’ savings.
With Trump as president, illegal immigration was at the lowest levels we’ve seen in years; under Biden, every month seems to bring a new record of illegals pouring over the border.
This complete incompetence has lead many to call for clearing house in the Biden administration.
And Ted Cruz is leading the fight.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling for the immediate ouster of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as the southern border illegal immigration crisis shows no signs of abating.
Cruz’s comments come after Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had 251,487 interactions with illegal aliens last month, the most ever recorded in US history.
Last month’s figures, together with the first two months of fiscal year 2023 — October and November — put the United States on course to encounter more than 2.87 million illegal aliens on the country’s southern border this year.
With December’s figures, the Biden administration has now had ten straight months of 200,000+ illegal alien interactions on the southern border.
During the most recent episode of “The Verdict” with co-host Ben Ferguson, Cruz was asked about Mayorkas.
“There were a lot of people that believe that there’s a good chance that he could be investigated, even impeached because of him knowing what was happening at the border the entire time and misleading the country about it, claiming that the border is secure when he knew it wasn’t secure,” Ferguson said. “Is there going to be any movement, you think early in this year, at least on the House side?”
“I believe the answer is yes,” Cruz responded. “I believe the House of Representatives will impeach Alejandro Mayorkas. I think they will do it this year, likely in the first half of the year. I will be shocked if they don’t go forward. I think it’s extremely likely and I think it is important. We have never had a cabinet secretary so utterly refuse to do his job and in fact instruct his employees to actively defy federal law, to frustrate federal law.”
“Federal immigration law requires that people here illegally be removed, be deported,” Cruz said.
“Instead, what Mayorkas has done is directed Homeland Security to facilitate and expedite people breaking the law. He wants the turnstile to move more quickly. His entire objective is to have even more people come here illegally. It’s not to stop them. It’s not to deport them. It’s not to secure the border. He wants to make it even more efficient that when you cross illegally, Joe Biden’s travel agent will take you wherever you want to go and set you up.”
Mayorkas, according to Cruz, was the first cabinet officer in a U.S. government to spend their “entire time” to “abdicating his entire statutory responsibility.”
“Even worse, if he simply abdicated and didn’t do his job, that would be terrible. But he’s doing even worse, he is directing everyone in his control to actively facilitate law breaking,” Cruz said.
“And I believe the House will impeach him and then in the Senate, Chuck Schumer will do everything he can to sweep it under the rug and have nobody pay attention. But we need to focus the American people on the tragedy that is unfolding every day on the southern border, that the media ignores, and that the Democrats have caused.”
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.