The U.S. Senate hit John Fetterman with this crushing blow

Fetterman’s term as a Senator has been laughable so far. He finds a new way to embarrass himself each day.

And the U.S. Senate hit John Fetterman with this crushing blow.

Washington, D.C. has been up in arms ever since Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently announced that the Senate dress code would be relaxed.

The new rule was called by many, as the “Fetterman Rule,” since Senator Fetterman (D-PA) almost exclusively wears hoodies and gym shorts to work on Capitol Hill.

But on Wednesday, a resolution was passed that required formal wear to be worn again in the Senate chamber.

Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), co-sponsored the resolution.

“As senators, we should demonstrate a high level of reverence for the institution in which we serve – and our attire is one of the most basic expressions of that respect,” Romney said.

“I’m proud to stand with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to call for a return to a level of dress becoming of the Senate.”

The resolution specifically calls for male Senators to wear “a coat, tie, and slacks or other longer pants,” when present on the Senate floor.

Before the “Fetterman Rule” was overturned, John Fetterman took advantage of it by presiding over the Senate in shorts and a loose shirt.

Joe Manchin was vocally upset with the dress code change and even confronted Fetterman about it.

“I said ‘John, I think it’s wrong and there’s no way I can comply with that’…Wanted to tell him directly that I totally oppose it and I will do everything I can to try to hold the decorum of the Senate,” Manchin said.

Republicans across the Senate were almost in full agreement that the “Fetterman Rule” needed to be changed.

“I plan to wear a bikini tomorrow to the Senate floor and Chris Coons is gonna wear shorts because there’s no dress code anymore,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) joked in a statement about her disapproval for the new dress code.

Thankfully, a bi-partisan resolution came into place that will spare our eyes from the sight of Collins dressed like that.

It will also bring back a sense of decency and dignity to the Senate chamber.

Instead of adhering to the new dress code and wearing business attire, Senator Fetterman will continue to dress like a slob.

And because of that, he’ll have to vote from the cloakroom since his style of clothing is no longer permitted on the Senate floor.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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