What this Democrat senator just said about Donald Trump will leave you red with rage

The Left despises the former president. They spend the vast majority of their time thinking of new ways to try and tear him down.

And what this Democrat senator just said live on air about Donald Trump will leave you red with rage.

It’s widely known that MSNBC is a propaganda machine for the radical Left.

Most of their coverage is devoted to promoting Democrat ideologies as well as promoting the destruction of conservative values.

Not only that, but the liberal media outlet spends a large portion of their time criticizing former President Donald Trump.

One of their hosts, former Biden White House press secretary Jen Psaki, is one of the best at trying to tear down the former president and Republicans.

But during one of her recent interviews on the program she hosts, she took a back seat and let her guest do the bashing of Trump.

While appearing on Psaki’s program, Inside, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) claimed that Donald Trump doesn’t love America.

“I’m sure you are aware of the controversy that broke out over some comments that Trump made about Milwaukee, which is hosting the Republican convention coming up later this summer,” Psaki said to Booker.

“He reportedly called Milwaukee a horrible city. He called Washington a filthy and crime-ridden embarrassment. He has called Chicago worse than Afghanistan. He once called Baltimore a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. These are America’s cities. What do you make of his comments, and what is driving it?”

“This is the spirit of the man. This is a person who doesn’t love America. He demeans and degrades some of our most precious and beloved places,” Booker responded.

“He demeans and degrades the people that live there, the people that dedicate themselves to teaching in our schools, firefighters, the police officers, the civic engineers.”

Booker must have forgotten the summer of 2020, when the Left’s calls to defund the police were at an all-time high.

But he continued, saying, “There are cities all over America that are standing up, businesses moving back to city centers. Really exciting stories of promise. We don’t need a president that punches down, that beats up, that puts us against each other and degrades people and places.”

“It is just disheartening to see one of our major political parties elevating someone who doesn’t celebrate America.”

No one is accusing Donald Trump of being the best orator of all time.

He simply doesn’t sugar coat things and tells things like it is, which can rub people, specifically Leftists, the wrong way at times. Some of those cities he was referring to, according to Psaki, are cities that are run by Democrats and are in ruin and decay because of their horrid policies.

Trump is running for president again to elevate America and it’s cities out of the destruction of the Biden administration.

When he was in office for his first term, the former president pledged to donate his salary to charity. He was doing one of the most stressful jobs in the world for free because of his love for the United States.

Sure, he’s crass when he discusses some of the country’s issues, but he’s simply using tough love to help the nation overcome the radical Left and their terrible policies.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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