Conservatives have always known Biden is a little “off.” But this confirmed even the wildest suspicions.
Because the Biden admin was caught in this scandal involving children.
The battle lines in American politics have shifted enormously since even a decade ago.
It used to be the same old arguments over immigration, taxes, and guns.
Now, Americans are fighting over definitions of what men and women are and how early children should be exposed to explicit material.
And the Biden administration has been caught peddling their ideology to children without parents even knowing.
Adults are advised by federally supported guidelines to pause before discussing explicit material with kids and to inquire, “Are you alone in the room?”
They also encourage offices to have vans travel neighborhoods, distributing federally sponsored contraceptives to minors; to send birth control to teens in “plain, unmarked packaging”; and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up spots.
A federal grantee confessed that the covert explicit discussion is essential because “parents might not agree with some of the things we’re talking about.”
The emphasis on excluding adults comes as the Biden administration and 24 states fight a lawsuit to recognize parents’ right to know if the government is promoting underage intimate conduct by providing birth control to teenagers.
The booklet includes a link to a webinar that expands on these concepts in further depth. A slide titled “Ensuring Adolescent Privacy” instructs Title X grantees to inquire:
- Are they alone in the room? Always ask first! If a parent is present, ask to provide alone time during the appointment.
- Can people hear them outside the room? Can they relocate? Use headphones? Use yes/no questions or chat feature?
Teens who want to “protect their privacy” from their parents “during a virtual visit” are advised to:
- “Take the call in the bathroom, outside, or in a parked car.”
- “Use headphones.”
- “Schedule the call at a time when there are fewer people at home.”
“[P]arents might not agree with some of the things that we’re talking about and some of the services that our patients are looking for,” Safiya Yearwood, a nurse at Baltimore’s Star Track clinic, told the webinar. Title X grantees must “mak[e] sure that patients are, No. 1, safe to even have these conversations, and determine[e] where they can do it.”
The simplest solution is to ensure that kids know how to phone without the involvement of their parents or guardians.
“[A]re we letting all of our adolescent patients know what their protections are?” Kaleigh Cornelison, who was the lead program specialist at the University of Michigan’s Adolescent Health Initiative at the time and now works at ETR, which specializes on “health equity” progress, was the webinar host. “[A]re we informing everyone of what their rights are?”
Title X grantees shall make every effort to encourage parents to leave the room if they are present. “Standardize time alone for all adolescent clients with the provider,” Cornelison instructed Title X offices. Have a “system in place so it’s standard practice; it’s not out of the ordinary. It comes to be expected every time.”
Why is the Biden administration so hell bent on getting children alone to talk about explicit things?
We’ll leave you to decide.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.