The Left has enough scandals on their hands. The last thing they need is more bad press.
That’s why Democrats don’t want you to see this horrifying report.
The Democrat Party is no longer a different side of the same coin.
Sure, back in the day, Democrats wanted more welfare programs and higher taxes – but they’ve jumped head-first into evermore radical agendas.
Nowhere is this more clear than on the issue of abortion.
Back in 1973, when Roe v. Wade was first decided, even pro-abortion advocates said they wanted “safe and rare” abortions (whatever that means).
But now the abortion industry is a booming business preying on vulnerable mothers.
And Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report is sobering.
Last year, Planned Parenthood aborted nearly 375,000 unborn children, setting yet another record for the organization as abortion remains the leading cause of death for children in the United States.
Following the Supreme Court’s historic overturning of Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022 with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which fundamentally changed the abortion landscape across the country, at least 14 states have outlawed abortions with few to no exceptions.
According to the organization’s new annual report, which was released this week, 374,155 abortions were conducted last year while collecting $670.4 million in government subsidies and reimbursements – a 5.8% rise over the previous year. According to a Life News investigation, Planned Parenthood performed 1,025 abortions every day, or one every 84 seconds.
Dr. Michael New, a self-described conservative Catholic professor and researcher, reported in the National Review that Planned Parenthood performed the second-most abortions in its history, accounting for around 40% of abortions in the United States last year.
“This is unsurprising,” said New.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, slightly under 1 million unborn children lost their shot at life in the United States last year, with Planned Parenthood performing less than half of the abortions.
New’s reaction to the astounding number was anticipated given that President Joe Biden reversed the Trump administration’s Protect Life Rule, which allowed Planned Parenthood to become eligible for increased government financing through Title X funds.
Data from the pro-life medical research group Charlotte Lozier Institute on abortions was studied last year, and it reveals a breakdown of the numerous reasons women seek abortions, which vary from rape and incest to a risk to the mother’s life or health or a fetal deformity.
With such factors accounting for less than 5% of all abortions, the data concluded that 95.7% of procedures were classified as “elective or unspecified reasons.”
Live Action’s founder and president, Lila Rose, dubbed the organization’s last annual report “horrific.”
Planned Parenthood just released their annual report
They are killing an unprecedented number of babies, and have cornered a full 40% of the US abortion market
They kill 1,025 boys and girls every day
Shut. Them. Down.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) April 26, 2023
“Shut. Them. “Down,” she stated.
Prenatal services were down 29%, miscarriage care was down 5%, adoption referrals were down 7%, and pregnancy testing were down 3.7%, according to the abortion giant’s report.
The latest figures from Planned Parenthood outperformed previous figures from Life News, which stated that the organization aborted 354,871 unborn children in 2019.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.