Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims to be a faithful Catholic while burning the Church’s teachings at the drop of a hat. But her recent actions crossed a line.
And “Devout Catholic” Nancy Pelosi confesses to soliciting priests for this shocking act.
Anyone with even a kindergarten level understanding of the Catholic faith knows that Nancy Pelosi is direct opposition to it.
She, along with other Leftist politicians like Joe Biden, flaunt their supposed “faithfulness” while desecrating all the Church stands for.
Most critically, Catholics in the Democrat Party are in open opposition to restricting abortion, insisting rather that abortion is a God-given right.
But why tell you what she believes when you can read it for yourself.
While speaking with The Seattle Times editorial board, Pelosi said, “The very idea that they would be telling women the size, timing or whatever of their family, the personal nature of this is so appalling, and I say that as a devout Catholic.”
She added, “They say to me, ‘Nancy Pelosi thinks she knows more about having babies than the pope.’ Yes I do. Are you stupid?”
So, not only does she disagree with the Catholic Church, she holds up her abortion agenda as somehow in line with God – an appalling assertion to any faithful Catholic Christian.
But now Pelosi, rather than fight the Church, is calling for help because she’s worried about demonic possession.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reportedly had priests perform a “exorcism” on her home after an alleged burglar struck her husband Paul with a hammer.
Pelosi told a New York Times columnist that it will be “three or four months before he’s really back to normal.”
Alexandra Pelosi, Pelosi’s daughter, claimed the altercation wounded her mother far more than people understand.
“I think that weighed really heavy on her soul. I think she felt really guilty,” she said. “I think that really broke her. Over Thanksgiving, she had priests coming, trying to have an exorcism of the house and having prayer services.”
The pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, Pelosi’s local church, Fr. Arturo Albano, told the New York Post that no one on his staff was engaged.
“As far as I know, no exorcism or priest services were performed at her home,” Albano told The Post.
When asked if the attack influenced her decision to step aside as House Speaker, Pelosi replied it was already time for her to pass over the gavel to someone else.
“I was probably going to go anyway,” Nancy Pelosi said, adding, “say we won by 20 votes and it was a big thing, I might have stayed. It’s true that I had two thoughts in mind when I went to the floor, to stay or not to stay. It was time to move on.”
“If Hillary had won, I could have left,” Pelosi added. “But I was not going to let Donald Trump have his way with the government.”
When police arrived to Mr. Pelosi’s San Francisco home in October, David DePape, 42, allegedly hit him with a hammer. The accused invader allegedly demanded to know where the then-Speaker was.
Prosecutors accused DePape with attempted murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, and elder abuse, according to Fox News. However, the accused pled not guilty to state and federal crimes, including allegations that he planned to kidnap Nancy Pelosi.
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