Republicans have needed to grow a spine for decades. They may just have turned over a new leaf.
And Lindsey Graham just unleashed on a CNN host in this jaw-dropping video.
The Republican Party has a RINO problem.
It doesn’t mean much for a politician to put an “R” next to their name on the ballot – they need to walk the walk.
And Lindsey Graham finally showed his metal in a heated interview with CNN.
On Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) argued with CNN’s Dana Bash on the Democrats’ stance on abortion.
On CNN’s “State of the Union,” Graham was questioned whether abortion is a state or federal matter. Graham expressed support for a federal abortion ban and stated that Democrats would reject such restrictions.
“[I]t’s a human rights issue,” Graham said.
“Does it really matter where you’re conceived? At 15 weeks, you have a developed heart and lungs. And to dismember a child at 15 weeks is a painful experience. It’s barbaric. It’s out of line with the rest of the civilized world. Only North Korea and China allow abortion demand up to the moment of birth, except the Democratic Party.”
“What the Democratic Party proposes on abortion is barbaric,” he continued. “I welcome this debate. I think the Republican Party will be in good standing to oppose late-term abortion, like most of the civilized world.”
“Just for the record, Roe went up to viability,” Bash noted.
Graham then charged Bash of carrying water for the Democrats. “No, that’s no— no, no, quit covering for these guys,” he said.
“Media, you keep covering for these guys. They introduced legislation that allowed abortion-on-demand with taxpayer-[funding], up to the moment of birth. That was their position in Washington. That’s the law they want to pass. And nobody in your business will talk about it.”
"No no, quit covering for these guys! No no no, you're media, you keep covering for these guys!"
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) goes off on Dana Bash after she says "for the record Roe went up to viability" during discussion on late-term abortion and what should be left to states pic.twitter.com/s5zbKaWQFf
— The Recount (@therecount) April 23, 2023
The “Women’s Health Protection Act” was enacted by Democrats in the House of Representatives in September 2021. The bill authorized abortions before embryonic viability at any time and for any reason.
It also allowed abortions after the embryonic viability stage if a healthcare provider assessed that the pregnancy would endanger the mother’s “life or health.”
The problem was there was no agreement on what the term “health” meant. That bill was defeated by a filibuster in the Senate.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court on Friday overturned a Texas federal judge’s order that limited the Food and medication Administration’s clearance of the abortifacient medication mifepristone, which is used in roughly half of all abortions in the United States.
The Supreme Court granted motions from the Biden administration and the manufacturer to allow the drug’s approval while a lawsuit is handled by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.