Leftists love to claim “MAGA Republicans” are anti-democracy. But it’s been them all along.
Because Supreme Court justices just got held hostage by radical Leftists trying to assume control of the courts.
According to so-called “training” papers from a one-time seminar conducted by the Nevada Supreme Court, judges were recently “taught” how to bring understanding of “gender identity” and usage of pronouns into the courtroom.
A seminar for Nevada judges entitled “Transgender And Gender Nonbinary People In The Nevada Courts: Practical Tools And Best Practices For Nevada Judges” was delivered by Todd Brower in July 2023. Brower is the head of the Judicial Education Program at the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law. According to a presentation that media journalists got through a public documents request, the training included information about the state’s s*xual orientation, a definition of gender, and a description of potential cases involving transgender litigants.
According to Carrie Severino, head of the conservative legal advocacy group JCN, this is part of a larger trend where Left-wing dark money groups are trying to influence formal judicial institutions in order to push their politically correct agenda.
“It is not appropriate — and is in fact a violation of conscience rights — for any official court to take ideological positions on these issues and, through its influence, impose them on litigants, attorneys, and judges within their system,” Carrie Severino argued.
No payment was made to Brower, the Williams Institute, or the UCLA School of Law for the “training”, according to a representative of the Nevada Supreme Court.
District and municipal court judges in Nevada are obligated to complete 13 hours of continuing legal education each year, including a minimum of two hours dedicated to ethics, as per the legislation. This training was not, however, mandatory.
Even though the course was not mandatory, according to the course description, judges were granted 1.5 ethical continuing education credits for this one-time instruction on LGBTQ concerns. This raises concerns that judicial officials are able to fulfill professional requirements by attending far-Left radical “trainings”.
It is not known how many judges participated in the course.
From litigants to witnesses to attorneys, “LGBTQ persons, especially transgender and gender nonbinary people, are increasingly present in the Nevada courts,” according to the course description. “Indeed, according to CDC data, transgender people comprise .34% of Nevada adults 18 years of age and older, and 1.67% of Nevada youth 13-17, or 11,400 transgender persons.”
This class discussed “the most recent demographic studies showing the characteristics of LGBTQ people in Nevada and nationally to identify the potential for those issues to appear in your courtroom.” Additionally, it educates judges to “recognize and consider using terminology, pronouns, and names to increase access for transgender and gender nonbinary people in the courthouse.”
Trainings that include “a broad range of subjects, from specific substantive and procedural areas of the law, to law and literature, and management, communication, and professionalism” are coordinated by the Judicial Education Unit of the Administrative Office of the Court, as stated on the court’s website.
“Sir” and “ma’am” are gender-specific terms that are discouraged in the training. Additionally, it is recommended that judges use their own personal pronouns when identifying themselves and encourage litigants to do the same on a sign-in form.
Several possible situations involving a transgender plaintiff are shown in the presentation. Under the name Lawrence Thompson, there is a “self-represented litigant with a feminine hairstyle and wearing a dress, high heels, and lipstick” who requests to be named Laura Thompson in one instance.
“Assume you have decided and informed everyone that the person should be called Laura Thompson and referred to using female pronouns during the proceedings,” the slide deck states. “However, opposing counsel calls this individual Lawrence and uses male pronouns. What, if anything, do you do?”
A comparable training for judges on gender identification in the courtroom was provided by the Santa Cruz Superior Court in California last year, at which Brower also participated. Journalists were informed by “DEI” speaker Tristan E.H. Higgins that she had provided this and similar trainings to other legal groups including the San Diego courtroom.
Nevada Supreme Court hosts gender ideology 'best practices' training for judges: Report https://t.co/bYl5xZu2zA pic.twitter.com/IOg0kFevZn
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) February 6, 2024
This is yet another example of how the far-Left’s plan all along has been to infect every single major American institution with their so-called “progressive” agendas.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.