The Obamas have been caught in a massive scandal that has all hell breaking loose

Barack and Michelle Obama are darlings of the Democrat Party. But now they’re about to fall from grace.

And the Obamas have been caught in a massive scandal that has all hell breaking loose.

Even though former President Barack Obama has been out of the White House for almost a decade now, he and his wife Michelle are still pushing their radical-Leftist agenda.

They’re pushing their agenda by working on various projects such as producing a movie.

Leave the World Behind, is a new Netflix film that was co-produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their company, Higher Ground.

Higher Ground works on various projects that has to do with race, civil rights, and democracy, according to Newsweek.

In the movie, there is a scene where a daughter who is of mixed-race, tells her black father, “I’m asking you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people – even mom would agree with me on that.”

Barack Obama hasn’t been sitting idly by as this movie was being made. He actually helped provide notes of his own to Sam Esmail, the director of the film.

“In the original drafts of the script, I definitely pushed things a lot farther than they were in the film, and President Obama, having the experience he does have, was able to ground me a little bit on how things might unfold in reality,” Esmail told Vanity Fair.

“I am writing what I think is fiction, for the most part, I’m trying to keep it as true to life as possible, but I’m exaggerating and dramatizing. And to hear an ex-president say you’re off by a few details. …I thought I was off by a lot!”

Obviously the scene about not trusting white people sparked quite a bit of outrage, especially on social media.

“White people are the only group you’re allowed and celebrated to be racist towards, and it will be put into movies by the most influential people,” Libs of TikTok said in a post to X (formerly Twitter).

“This is unacceptable. I would say the same thing if they said this about people of colour. How is this okay?” Liz Churchill, a conservative commentator said.

Journalist Brian Krassenstein however, did not agree with any of the criticisms towards the Obama produced movie.

“The whole moral of the story is to show how ridiculous our preconceived judgements of one another are, both white and black,” he said in an X post of his own.

One user replied to Krassenstein, saying “Can you imagine Trump and Melania producing a movie with the phrase ‘especially black people’ in it though. You have to see the double standard here, it’s so blatantly obvious.”

That person is correct, as the media and general public would throw an enormous fit if the Trump family produced a similar movie where the races were reversed.

But because it’s Barack and Michelle Obama, they get an undeserved pass.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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