Biden went on camera and accidentally exposed himself

Joe Biden has seen better days. It’s getting painful to watch.

And now Biden went on camera and accidentally exposed himself.

President Joe Biden slammed recent news coverage of his economic initiatives, expressing confidence in the economy’s state heading into 2024 and criticizing reporters for failing to portray the current economy in “the right way.”

“All good,” Biden remarked in brief remarks over the weekend when asked about the economy’s prospects for next year.

“Take a look. Start reporting it the right way.”

Biden’s remarks come as the economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 outbreak, with annual inflation falling to 2.6% in November.

Unemployment has also decreased under Biden, falling to 3.7% last month, virtually back to the pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%.

Biden continues to praise his administration’s economic “achievement.”

He’s gone so far as to take to X (formerly Twitter) to tout his supposed track record.

But Americans don’t believe him.

According to a recent Monmouth University poll issued this week, nearly 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation, while only 28% favor.

When it comes to job development, Biden has higher approval ratings, with 42% of people approving of how the president has handled unemployment. Another 53% are against.

And why should they believe Biden’s lies when they can feel their wallets getting thinner and their bills mounting?

The economy is predicted to play a significant influence in next year’s elections and has emerged as a top topic for voters as we approach 2024.

This could be a problem for Biden because Americans believe former President Donald Trump is better qualified to deal with the economy.

In fact, an NBC News poll earlier this year showed that 49% of those polled said Republicans were better than Democrats at handling the economy.

Compare that to 28% who said Democrats are better than Republicans.

Biden may need to find a different avenue if he hopes to put up a fight in 2024.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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