The writing is on the wall for Joe Biden. And Democrats are finally starting to accept it.
Because a Bill Clinton advisor now has sobering news about Joe Biden
The official campaign for Joe Biden’s re-election has begun, and a rematch with former President Donald Trump is expected.
Democrats already have reasons to be concerned about his odds of winning the next election.
The political establishment was shocked to learn that Biden’s approval rating had dropped to an all-time low of 36% in an ABC/Washington Post poll.
That represents a 6% drop from February and a point below his presidency’s lowest support rating from the previous year.
According to the poll, Trump has a 49% to 42% advantage against Biden.
Just over two weeks after he formally declared his intention to run for a second term, Joe Biden’s popularity is in free fall.
George Stephanopoulos left his position as Bill Clinton’s communications director to pursue a career in the media and during a discussion on ABC’s This Week, he described the ABC/Washington Post survey as “just brutal” for Biden.
According to Stephanopoulos, “this poll is just brutal for President Biden.”
Stephanopoulos expressed his disbelief and stated he had trouble understanding why people were backing Trump.
Donna Brazile, a former chair of the DNC, claimed that she couldn’t sleep after seeing the results of the poll.
“It kept me up,” Brazile stated. “They are still unable to get a real good, strong message to the American people, not just on the accomplishments, but where they want to take the country.”
The general populace has little faith in what Biden is selling or his future vision after two and a half turbulent years in office.
Under the hood, Biden’s figures were far worse.
Key demographics who were essential to his candidacy in the 2020 election are draining support from him.
Biden is currently lagging behind Trump with independent voters by 9% after winning them by 13% in 2020.
Black voters’ approval of him dropped from 82% when he took office in 2021 to 52% according to the poll.
His approval rating among black voters is at an all-time low of -30%.
Biden will require a significant portion of the black electorate to vote in competitive states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.
Voters’ severe concerns about Biden’s health and mental capacity were also shown by the poll.
63% of respondents said they did not believe he has the “mental sharpness” necessary to serve as president, while only 32% said they did.
Biden is not in “good enough physical health” to be Commander-in-Chief, according to 62% of respondents.
Democrats have made an effort to dismiss worries about Biden’s age, but he wouldn’t be able to do so while campaigning.
The poll found that Trump was rated as having superior age, health, and mental clarity versus Biden.
A growing percentage of Americans are voicing their skepticism about the 80-year-old President as his campaign gets underway.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.