Former President Trump is hot on the campaign trail. But even old friends are starting to turn on him.
And a former ally backstabbed Donald Trump in this viral video.
Many in the Republican Party want a return to the pre-Trump era when RINOs ran everything and the conservatives were pushed to the side.
Their biggest fear is if sn America First conservative like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis win the nomination and the presidency.
That’s why one Republican is going scorched earth to stop Donald Trump if it’s the last thing he does.
Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie launched his presidential campaign for 2024 on Tuesday, criticizing past President Donald Trump while oddly praising former President Woodrow Wilson at the expense of George Washington.
Christie has been a harsh opponent and critic of Donald Trump throughout the Russia connection inquiry, despite supported him unreservedly in 2016, a criticism that has only increased since the January 6 brawl on Capitol Hill.
In his declaration on Tuesday, the former New Jersey governor reiterated his distaste for the former president, alleging that he contributed to the shrinking of America by exploiting people’s differences.
“We have leaders who have led us to being small. Small by their example. Small by the way they conduct themselves. Small by the things they tell us we should care about. Smaller and smaller,” he said.
“And they do it in other ways too. They’re making us smaller by dividing us into smaller and smaller groups. And they sell to you that we should get into these smaller groups because we’ll be more comfortable,” he continued.
“The smaller and smaller group you get into, then you’re probably not going to hear anything you disagree with. The smaller group you get into, you just watch the news you want to hear. The smaller group you get into, the less chances you’ll ever be offended by anything.”
Christie accused both Republicans and Democrats of exploiting the political divide. On the left, he chastised Joe Biden and President Barack Obama for pledging to bring Americans together but actually doing the reverse.
“If you are in search of the perfect candidate, it is time to leave,” he said, prompting laughter. “I am not it. Not only am I not the perfect candidate, I am far from the perfect person.”
Christie then used his admitting of errors to criticize Donald Trump, stating that people should be skeptical of a candidate who refuses to admit he has ever made a mistake.
“If your leaders are not willing to admit to you that they’re fallible, that they make mistakes, that they hurt like you, that they bleed like you, and that they suffer disappointments and letdowns, beware,” he said.
Christie particularly mentioned Donald Trump as one such person.
Christie admonished George Washington while praising former President Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, which has been regarded as one of the worst presidents in history due to his insistence on involving America in World War I and his failure to negotiate a fair peace with Germany, which could have prevented World War II.
“In 1917, when Europe was at war and dictatorships were taking over the entire continent, and America had followed the admonition of George Washington since its founding to stay out of foreign entanglements, Woodrow Wilson said, ‘no, if America allows Europe to go under dictatorship, we will be next,’” explained Christie.
Chris Christie just threw George Washington under the bus to praise… Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat.
No wonder he closed the George Washington Bridge. pic.twitter.com/DgdQEInXRL
— Steven Cheung (@TheStevenCheung) June 6, 2023
“Franklin Roosevelt said the same thing 24 years later when Hitler and Mussolini and Hirohito decided that dictatorship is what was going to rule the world.”
As Politico reported, “recent polling suggests the former New Jersey governor is deeply unpopular with Republican voters. He has the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate in the field. Sixty percent say they would not support him under any circumstances. No other contender has numbers even close to that bad.”
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.