Corruption within the Washington, D.C. Swamp is no surprise. But it runs deeper and higher than anyone ever thought possible.
And the CIA chief just ADMITTED under oath to covering up this sickening crime for Biden.
Americans already know that Joe Biden and his family have committed too many crimes to count.
But one of the most shocking stories came when Hunter Biden’s laptop was discovered right before the 2020 presidential election.
When The New York Post broke the story, their Twitter account was immediately frozen and the users were unable to share the story.
Supposedly, fifty intelligence officials had signed a long letter alleging that the laptop was Russian disinformation and not the Hunter Biden’s actual computer.
This, of course, turned out to be totally baseless. The laptop is genuine and that’s an indisputable fact.
But Americans are learning that it wasn’t just a misstep by the intelligence community, it was a complete lie told on behalf of the Biden family.
Former acting CIA Director Mike Morell was encouraged by Joe Biden’s presidential campaign to “help Biden” by arranging 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely stating that embarrassing emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed by The Post were Russian disinformation.
Morell told the House Judiciary Committee in private sworn testimony that Antony Blinken, now Secretary of State, was the senior campaign official who contacted him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop claiming Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, then-Vice President Biden.
Morell, identified as a potential CIA director under Biden, said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.”
He told House investigators that he had no intention of writing a statement exonerating Biden prior to Blinken’s call.
He did, however, admit that the conversation with Blinken “triggered… that intent” in him.
Blinken emailed Morell at 10:53 p.m. the night of the call, alleging that the FBI was investigating whether Hunter’s laptop was part of a “disinformation campaign.”
The signature block of Andrew Bates, the Biden campaign’s then-director of fast response, was at the bottom of Blinken’s email.
Morell claimed he did “a little bit of my own research,” then called out to retired CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos for help writing the letter criticizing The Washington Post’s reporting.
To accommodate their bias, the left ignores the genuine Biden-Delaware drama.
Morell gathered signatures from 51 former intelligence officials over the next two days, including himself and four other former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Leon Panetta.
Morell stated that he sent an email to Nick Shapiro, Brennan’s former deputy chief of staff, advising him that the Biden campaign wanted the statement to go to a specific reporter at the Washington Post and that he should also send it to the campaign.
Morell couldn’t remember why he told Shapiro that the campaign wanted the message to go to this reporter first, and he confessed that he may have spoken to the campaign on another time.
Finally, Shapiro took the letter to Politico, which published it on Oct. 19 with the headline “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.”
The New York Post piece, according to the letter, “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
During the Oct. 22 debate against President Donald Trump, candidate Joe Biden used the letter to deflect questions about his involvement in his family’s foreign influence-peddling enterprise, which had earned millions of dollars from China and Ukraine while he was vice president.
So, not only did Biden have investigations into his family swept under the rug, he also may have won the election all because a former ex-CIA chief threw his weight behind the convenient lie Biden was pushing.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal for updates on this developing story.